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I've stared at myself in the mirror for the past 30 minutes, my eyes locked on the revolting marks on my neck. I've used every soap, body oil, body wash, body scrub that I have.

Yet I still feel absolutely disgusting.

They almost had us yesterday, moments away from throwing us into their car and driving off, using us for their own pleasure then leaving us in the middle of nowhere to die in shame.

Enzo saved my life.

Yet I can't help but wish he didn't.

I wipe away my tears, walking into my bedroom to put on a white turtleneck and sweats.

Enzo's in the living room, I can hear him. I shouldn't be scared to see him, so why am I?

Because you're dirty, filthy.

Claimed by another man

My hands squeeze the hem of my sweater as I shake the thoughts away, they're the last thing I need right now.

I slowly open the door of my bedroom, my eyes landing on Enzo in the living room on his phone. I woke up late today, and judging by his clothes I'm guessing he's already been out.

I don't even want to judge the bandages wrapped around his knuckles.

When he hears me taking a step into the room he turns his head to me, standing up instantly and walks towards me.

My body flinches at the sudden movement, a reaction of fear from yesterday my body thinks will happen again. Enzo freezes, and I can see the moment that life flashes before his eyes.
"I would never hurt y-"

"I know, I know- I just.. I-.." my eyes meet his as I cut him of, and I'm thrown off guard with the amount of worry covering his face.

My breathe hitches and I turn away, making a move back to my room.

"I saw your thighs yesterday"

I stop dead in my tracks, that's not at all what I was hoping he'd say.

I haven't worn a short skirt for years for this exact reason, my thighs are painted in scars and are definitely not the most attractive thing on my body. Not something I want everyone to see the first time they meet me.

The dress I wore yesterday was a risk, but the feeling of going out again without a care in the world made me completely forget about that.

My mouth opens, but closes again when no sound comes out, I'm completely speechless.

"Let me help you, tesoro." He takes another step towards me but my body remains still.

Slowly the space in between us closes until he's standing a single step behind me. I can almost feel the heat radiating of his body, and for some reason that makes me want to take the last step back.

Sinful Despair Where stories live. Discover now