"What's up sunshine?"

"Is... is everything getting better now? Is the sickness leaving?"

Maggie paused before replying, "I hope so. I can't gaurentee anything, but, I really hope so." Ella smiled and nodded her head. Then, the building shook, causing water to spill. Before that a loud boom came from the outside. Ella was shocked, could she ever get a break? But what was it?

"Stay put," Maggie told both Glenn and Ella. Of course, Ella didn't listen and she began following Maggie.

Glenn called out, "Ella!" But she ignored him.

They ran to the fence, a few cars lined up and in between was a tank. Oh no, the governor was back, Ella thought. Her eyes were widened as she stared through the fence.

He stood on top of a tank with a bunch of other people she's never seen. Or maybe she has, but her bad eyesight had gotten in the way of being able to tell who else was out there. The only reason she knew was because of his loud ugly voice.

"Rick! Come down here, we need to talk," the governor yelled out from across the yard.

Rick replied back, "It's not up to me. There's a council now, they run this place."

"Is Hershel on the council?" he smirked. A woman brought him out, he was tied up. Maggie an dBeth were shocked. They immediately covered their mouth. What about Michonne? She on the council too?" the governor asked. A man took out Michonne as well with her hands tied. Ella couldn't stop thinking about everything bad that could happen in her head. Hershel and Michonne were important to her, they couldn't die.

Rick shouted back, "I don't make decisions anymore."

"You're making the decisions today, Rick." Ella couldn't listen anymore. She was frustrated and she didn't want him back here. As soon as things were getting better he came back to ruin everything. Rick looked at Daryl and Daryl nodded his head. Rick began to walk toward where the governor stood.

They all had large guns and a whole lot of people. Ella's stomach hurt, she couldn't shake off the bad feeling in herself. She felt real sick. Ella had no idea what the two were talking about. She stared into the fence but everyone there looked like tiny little dots. It was hard to tell who was where.

Daryl began rolling in the weapon box and handing it out to everyone. Ella's bow and arrow was in there too. She kept it on her just incase. Maggie had given her a place to hold her arrows and taught her where to keep her bow. It was resting on her back and shoulder. Though, she knew she couldn't do anything with it. Her aim wasn't the best, not yet atleast.

"Ella, go inside, now. Pack up your stuff," Maggie ordered. Ella nodded her head and ran inside. She grabbed her backpack and put her favorite stuff in there. Her rocketship toy, one pair of clothes, her notebook, a pencil, and of course, her cat beanie that Michonne gave to her.

Mika came over to Ella and asked, "Could you help me carry Judith?" Eleanor agreed and put her backpack on. The two girls struggled to carry the heavy carseat. Judith was getting bigger. Two other kids were behind them.

"Mika, I'm gonna go to Maggie, Okay?" Ella stated. Mika nodded her head as a different girl went to help her. Ella ran to Maggie, "What's going on?"

Maggie shrugged, "I have no idea." She then passed the young girl a nervous look. They both knew her eyesight wasn't the best. "No," Maggie said under her breath.

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