Ella puffed, "There's too many, we can't."

"We got a' get rid of as much as we can," replied Maggie as she punctured a walker's neck with her stick. Eleanor rolled her eyes and continued. "Don't worry, we're almost done," Maggie chuckled seeing the girl wiping sweat off her forehead.

"Are we done yet?" Ella asked.

Maggie smiled, "Yes. You did good, thank you."

"Whew, finally." Ella dropped her stick on the ground and ran to lie down on the grass. Maggie chuckled and put her hand on her eyebrows to block the sunlight from her eyes.

Maggie walked over, "C'mon get up, I'll teach ya how to use your bow." Ella got all excited again and started running toward the place where she'd usually train.  Then, she turned back realizing she forgot to actually get her bow but went running again.

As she waited for Maggie to come, Ella felt a bit sick. Her chest hurt, she felt guilty. She put her arm on top of her stomach.

"Alright Sunshine, you ready?" no reply came from Ella, she just stayed quiet. Maggie assumed she was zoned out so she tapped on the girl. "Nell? Are you okay?"

Ella ranted, "I don't know. I should be practicin' with Glenn, but the stupid sickness and everything going on. And I just- I don't know how to feel."

"Tell me what's wrong. You could always talk to me.

"That's the thing. I don't know what's wrong," Ella paused as Maggie sat Ella down on a bench and sat next to her. "I feel sad, but... but I don't know why."

Maggie had no idea she'd have to deal with this, but her big sister instincts with Beth, she knew what to do. "Y'know, it's okay ta' feel like this. This happens ta' everyone, I promise. But sometimes, it'll feel like it's gonna last forever, it won't. When you're upset at all, I want ya to go outside and look at the sky. Look at the stars and the moon. because pain is only temporary, those shiny things up there? They're forever," Maggie comforted the younger girl. She stroked her brunette hair which had a few tangles and knots.

"So, this happens to you too?"

"Yep. It's happened to everyone, honey."

"Well... okay. I believe you," Ella gave a small smile. Maggie sets up an archery target with wood and a rock. She used rocks to draw circles which meant the different target points, like a dart board.

Maggie coordinates Ella's hands to where they need to be, "Okay put the arrow through here and pull back the string." Ella follows exactly what she says, focusing real hard. "Now point the arrow to where you're aiming and... let go!"

The arrow shot forward toward the board hitting somewhere near the bottom. "I did it!" Ella beamed after actually hitting the board on her first try. Maggie smiled proudly.

Eleanor and Maggie had been practicing for a while. Ella was determined to get her archery skills up and precise. Arrow after arrow she continued to try to get the bullseye.

"Ya won't get it right away darlin', it's okay to take a break," Maggie reassured. Ella took a breath and sat down next to Maggie.

She muttered, "I just want it to be perfect for Glenn to see. He'll be real proud."

"He will, but he wouldn't want you this tired." Ella rested her head on Maggie. Silent passed by. Then, Rick walked over.

"Maggie, I need your help with somethin'," he urged. She nodded her head and followed him. No questions asked. Ella did as well. Even though Rick hadn't asked her, she had nothing else to do anyway. They got to the middle of the field and there lay a whole bunch of logs.

Rick asked, "Ya mind helping me cut these to fit the fence? It's about a' fall over."

"No problem at all," Maggie smiled and picked up an axe. Just as she swung, a loud gunshot echoed. Ella's eyes widened. No, no, no. What happened? This can't be happening, Eleanor thought.

"Go," said Rick.

Maggie refused, "No, the fence is more important. We need a' keep it standing." A line formed between Ella's brow. The fence was not important at all. What was important was making sure everyone in there was safe.

"I got this," Rick gestured for Maggie to go inside and help the people. She nodded her head and began running, Eleanor right after her. Ella was already tired from practicing so it was hard to keep up, but she knew she had to keep going. She had to keep going for Glenn, for Caleb, Evelynn, and everyone else she loved.

Maggie banged on the door. "Dad! Open the door!" she yelled, pounding the thick glass. Then she began swinging her axe, trying her hardest to open the door up. It wouldn't budge. People were running and screaming in there. Walkers eating them.

"Maggie, the other door!" Ella suggested. Maggie nodded her head and the two quickly ran for it. It took quite a while but they made it through inside the quarantine zone. Hershel was wrestling a walker at the top.

Ella's eyes were full of worry. Maggie raised her gun, pointing at the walker. "No! You could hit the bag, we need it for Glenn!" Hershel yelled. Maggie's precise aim hit the walker straight in the head. Ella ran up the stairs looking for Glenn. She ran all the way to the end to see him lying on the floor, barely stable.

"No, Glenn," Ella whispered. "Maggie, there's blood, he's choking! You need a' help him," Ella shouted tears welling up in her eyes. No, he couldn't die. He can't. Maggie ran up as fast as she could. Ella was panicking, she didn't know what to do.

"Clear his airway! I'm on the way," Hershel yelled from a distance. Maggie followed directions and turned him to his side.

"Please! He's dying, hurry up!" Eleanor cried. Fear crept over her shoulder. Seeing him gasping for air like this, choking on his own blood? "Glenn, please! You can't leave us. I'll be good, I'll be good I swear." Hershel quickly set up the tube and attached it to Glenn's mouth. His gasping stopped. Was he dead?

Maggie whispered, stroking his raven black hair, "It's okay. You're gonna be okay." Ella sighed in relief. She knew it wasn't time. He was okay. Ella's body loosened knowing that now.

"I didn't want you two in here," Hershel sighed.

Maggie responded to her father, "I know, I had to. Just like you." They both passed on a smile to each other.

Ella looked up to see Lizzie, looking down at Glenn. She had a small frown on her face. She got up and hugged her. Ella wasn't a hug person, not at all. Yes, there were exceptions but it was weird. She gave Lizzie the biggest hug imaginable.

"I'm glad you're okay," Ella whispered to Lizzie, coming back on her feet. Lizzie was a bit taller than her so Ella tiptoed to hug the older girl.

Lizzie mumbled, "Yeah, you too."

After a while, Ella stayed with Maggie, and Lizzie left to her isolated cell. Many died. Dr. S had died and many others. Only a few had luckily survived. Ella didn't want to leave Maggie and Glenn's side. She wanted to be there for them. The group who had gone out to find medicine came back too. They all made it out alive. Maybe they'd all be okay after all.

Author's note:

Okay guys. This is officially the last Hershel chapter... I'm so sad. Well anyway don't forget to vote and comment!!!! Love you all.

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