Chapter - 14

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"My Cherie"
"Yup! Now this looks more attractive"

I was about to turn off my phone until my phone rang, I saw the caller ID and it was
"Ms. Lucifer"
I sighed, "Ugh!! I am not in the mood....bad ending of today" and said to myself and with that I answer the call and place it near my ear,
—"Fucker!!! You are hitting on Zeff's sister??!!", wait what, I am hitting on whom!
"Lucy!! Calm down, firstly! She is not my type and second! If she isn't my type why would I even try to hit on her and she is just a part of my plan, we are just getting her freedom and justice that's it!!", I told her the reality of the plan.
" know what you are doing, right? Zeff is a dangerous person and you are luring her sister right now! Can't you guys just keep her out of this mess?"
—"Don't worry, we will accomplish our mission and then provide her a decent life, she won't be hurt in any way", Ace said.
But the next sentence she said made Ace pause in his words.
"Are you sure that none of you will get attached to her?"
"Lucy, I don't wanna make my teammates weak and Anna is such a pity that my dramatic teammates will cry" I said in a cold tone, I know whatever i said is just so mean of me but that's truth and reality of Anna, she cries easily, she gets nervous easily, she flinches even if some raises their voice on her and I don't want me teammates to handle this stubborn, I just want to give Anna a decent life, far away from all this messy world of gangsters, I want her to live a normal life and Mr. Quinn would do the same.
"Do whatever you want, just don't hurt her because you know what Mr. Quinn has done for all of us", Lucy said
—"that's what I am repaying for" Ace said with a sighing tone.
"Anyways, how does she loo-"
Before she asked that question, i ended the call, oh c'mon I don't understand why the heck all of them are asking me the same question again and again, they haven't even met her yet siding with her.
Next Day,
Chaos in the kitchen as Alexander is cutting veggies and Emily shaping the cookies with jade, and Laylah is still in her bed snoring like a koala while Ace is taking a bath, "shall we give a shape of heart?"
Jade asked while kneading another dough,
"Yup! Let's do tha- wait you shape these cookies I'll knead that dough" Emily asked jade and here he is scared because Emily doesn't know how to knead.
—"Are you sure, you don-" Jade was about to warn her but she pushed jade aside and started kneading the dough,
"Emily, you are messing up with the dough, right now, No- that's not how you do tha- omg! Wait I'll show you"
And with that Jade stood behind Emily and put his hand on Emily's hand and started teaching her how to knead it, and yeah they are getting too physical at the moment but the cutting sound of veggies were increasing as if veggies were being cut with a sword,
By watching them get too close with each other, Alex wasn't able to focus on his work, rage was building in his eyes and jealousy was all over his face and at this point he feels like he might hold grudges with Jade, things were getting difficult for him to see them being touchy with each other, smiling and playing with the dough, Ace wants to cut the veggies on Jade's head because Jade know my creepy feelings for Emily very well then how come this bastard is performing Titanic with her!
And I can't handle this closeness anymore so words slipped out of my mouth,
—"YOU GUYS ARE FUCKING NOISY, JUST FUCKING GET OUT!!!" with that I removed my apron and went out of the kitchen halting my steps towards my room as my shoulder bumped to Ace's shoulder and i went in my room shutting  the door with a loud bang, Ace got confused but he shrugged it off and went downstairs,
On the other hand,
"He told us to get out but he is the one who fled away from here" Jade said with no expressions,
—"Anyways, he is the only one with such a short temper", by saying that Emily moved to the table and placed everyone's breakfast, she went again in the kitchen and said, "Jade put the cookies in the oven, I'll go and wake up that lazy", she was about to remove her apron but jade stopped her, "Wait, I'll wake her up, I am going in my room to take a bath anyways, so I'll just-", Emily knew he is just making things up
—"Sure, go and wake up Mrs. Laylah Brown", Emily said while winking at him playfully and he ran in a flash due to embarrassment. He can't define his excitement right now because usually Emily wakes her up but he rarely gets a chance to wake her up so he reached in front of her door and took a deep breath by slowly opening the door and then closing it behind, he saw Laylah hugging her giant teddy bear like a koala and he can't help but smile while looking at her cuteness, he went near the window and slowly opened the curtains but Laylah didn't even a move a inch, he went towards her bed putting his knee and crawling towards her, he moved near her ear and whispered in a low voice
—"Good morning sugar", Laylah turned her body to Jade's side and captured Jade's neck with her hands and pulled him making his eyes open wide with millions of butterflies dancing in his stomach and his dirty side telling him to devour her mouth full of kisses, but soon Laylah slowly opened her eyes and her eyes widened, she couldn't believe the view for a second she thought it was a dream but then jade asked, "What's the plan?"
She quickly removed her hand from his neck and backed off from him, as she sat up straight covering herself from the blanket,
"What are you doi-ng h-h-ere???!!" Laylah asked,
—"you denied my offer last night because you were feeling sleepy so now that you have completed your sleep, how about you consider my offer again?" He crawl
towards her more and tucked her hair strand behind her ear,
"Lea-leave, it's inappropriate to enter in someone's room without permission" She said while trying to sound bold,
"Okay then! Next time I'll take permission before entering" by saying that he got up from the bed and was about to leave the room but then he stopped and turn back and said, "i didn't meant your room",
With this he left.
"He should stop roaming around with Ace", Laylah said to herself and made her way to bathroom.

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