Chapter - 8

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This guy asked me again,
"You don't need to know everything, Leo!"
"Anna c'mon, continue the story, tell me everything that happened between you and that guy Ace, you can't leave me curious" he said with an annoyed face following me like a small child.

I got up and started making my way outside, my secretary came and opened the car door for me as I sat and Leo also entered, "when will you tell me the whole story?" He asked, "someday" i answered, and we drove to my office

At night,
I was done with my work, i removed my specs and sighed while looking at the ceiling and my eyes fell on  the mirror,
Gosh! Ace you turned a weak girl into a strong business woman, my thoughts got cut off by a knock.

"May I come in madam?" He asked

I paused for a second and my impulsive thoughts asked, "Ace?"
"Did you forget my voice Anna?!!" That's Leo, "yeah because you never knock or ask to come in" I said by rolling my eyeballs.

"Let's go, I'll drop you", here we go again, Leo's daily attempt to make me fall in love with him but how can I tell him that, first is first and might be the last. And Leo should realise it soon before it gets too late.
Leo and I got out of the office and I finally exhaled fresh air and released my stress.

Leo opened the car door for me and we got in the car, I put my purse on my lap and shifted my gaze outside, still I was suffocated but Leo noticed my admiration towards the stars and slid the car windows for me and I left a big sigh,
Leo decided to break the awkward silence as he uttered something,
"Are you free on Sunday?" He asked while looking straight at the traffic. And he knows my answer very well that I am gonna deny the proposal again but he don't intend to backing off from the trial, he  is really anxious right now and i am very well aware how much guts it takes to ask someone out again and again, no one would let their pride fall like this but he doesn't care about his pride or something that's what makes him special.

Sometimes, it hurts to see him like that, I felt really bad for him and this time I don't have any intention to behave like this! So, why not make him a little bit happy.

"Anna, it's totally fine! If you don't wanna go, I mean, I do-don't want to force you with th-at! Let's just change the topic and pretend like I never as-". Surprisingly I cut him off with something that he will be shocked about, "I am free".

I can't believe she said that, I mean she is Anna right? I didn't misheard that, or did I? I wasn't able to handle my anxiety and excitement, so I looked at her to my surprise she was staring at me, probably waiting for me to say something, but I am totally blank right now! I don't know what to say to her,
"Um then.... I'll pick you up in the m-morning just lemme know whenever you get ready and if you are still unsure about your answer then you can just tell me, when you're sure about it"

Everything he said was just so in my favour, he badly wants to go with me but still doesn't want me to be sad or hurt, I am so terrible with him he deserves someone better than me, "I am sure of it!" I said, not wanting him to go crazy with anxiety.

"Okay..." And with this we reached my house and I got out of the car and like everyday he waited outside until I stepped in my house and closed the door, for the first time before leaving I turned back and said
"Goodnight, drive safe"

He was taken aback by my words,
"You too!"
I left by saying that and went straight to my house.

What's wrong with her that's so unlike of her, I can't believe I was with Anna today, the very first time, she said something in my favour and I can't help but blush after hearing that, i feel like I am on seventh cloud, I won't be able to sleep the whole night now!! Anna Quinn! What have you done to me babe! Her goodnight sounded so seductive, wild thoughts were running on my mind while driving.

Two days passed by and finally it was a strange Sunday.

I got up from the bed and headed toward the bathroom real quick even though I know it will take her time to get ready but still I want to wait for her, I want to show my passion towards her, I want to show my love that I only feel for her! I don't know if she is thinking right now about me but I am going totally crazy! This will be the best Sunday! I guess!
Going out of the house, choosing my white Lambo for this date, and I was finally ready to pick her up.

20 minutes later,
I was eating my donut but I heard a car horn knowing that it was Leo, but before I opened the door and head outside, he already called me, "are you ready?, Do you need more time, I can wait if you-" he asked with a worried tone,
"I am ready, just coming out"
I opened the door and came out with wearing black bodycon long dress , revealing collar bone as my sleeves were sticked down from my shoulder with white purse in my hand, the moment he saw me coming out, he got out of the car and was stunned by my looks, I can totally sense his blush and nervousness, as I got closer, he opened the car door for me and i sat inside.

He hopped on,
"I wasn't late, right? Or did I keep you waiting" he asked.
"Not at all, you never kept me waiting"
Gosh! He looks so adorable with that tinted blush, he cleared his throat before speaking, "you are looking beautiful just like-" he stopped, and now I am wondering what he was about to say just like my curiosity level i asked, "like what?",
"Nothing, I was jus-" why can't he spit out the words and not be so cute
"Like?" I asked again and this time I know he will say! What he wants to!

"Just like my Lambo that I drive whenever I am happy or in need"

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