"How many are we supposed to pick from these batches?" Danielle asked the person sitting next to her. "At least twenty per batches but the more the better." Danielle got her answer as she got her hair tied into a ponytail.

She's having a free midday till afternoon so she decided to help the literature club as she's already part of the club's committee members.

That afternoon, the committee members were doing compilations day, a day where a selected few members will be tasked to pick poems from the poetic writing booth every month. These compilations will later be put together into a book that the club will be publishing by the end of the year.

Danielle got herself a spot as she enjoys reading out people's masterpieces. Her love for literature comes in the form of reading and hearing poems so that's why she's eager for the spot.

She began her tasked with excitements. As she was reading the first few papers, she was quiet  impressed by the amount of talents there were within the club's members. She would sometimes gasp by the deepness of some poems, some would make her giggled and others would make her shed a few tears.

But deep inside as she's reading, she would love to see a specific poem written by a certain someone. That is you. Danielle's been wanting to see the way you deliver your piece as she already knew of a certain habit of yours and that is the little notebook you always carried around.

She's been wanting to take a look at your written poems in your notebook but to that day she's still super shy to even ask for it as there's a lot of things to be considered. Maybe there's something you've written that you don't want others to see or maybe it's just private stuffs you've written. In the end she never give it a go and just remained silent yet curiously frustrated.

As she ran through a few more sheets of paper, she's getting into her last couple of poems left. Taking a few sips of her coffee, she grabbed another paper and looked at the name and she couldn't be anymore surprised. 

It's your poem judging by the name and the initial written on it.

Every now and then, you would contribute in making poems for the club while also being a committee member. Danielle would often noticed you by the poem writing booths every once in a while and never did she felt so lucky as she was at that time.

She couldn't believe that she'd finally got the chance to read one of your art piece so her focus remained a hundred percent on the piece of paper she's holding. "Okay Mister Yongjae, let's see what you have for me..."

"I am scared that she only ever like
the idea of me
Once she get to know that
idea, she'll try to find someone
with that idea of me.

She'll start seeing other people
as she aren't satisfied meeting me
and leave pursuing someone better

The classic phrase 'you deserve better'
Thought about it all the time
Terrified about it most of the time

'How lucky your future girlfriend would
be to have somebody like you.'
I imagined you said it to my face

Why can't that girlfriend be you?

'We would be better off staying as friends.'
Wished you wouldn't even say that to me
one day. Prayed for it

For a second I really hate myself.
Trying to figure out why I wouldn't be accepted
and then it hit me.

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