"You need to move on, Y/N. Sleep with someone, it'll help." You look over at Selena who scoffs. "Not me, idiot."

"Then who?"

"I don't know; blonde, tall, British, willing to have sex with any of her friends and it not mean anything." Selena lists off in a 'duh' tone.

You look over at Cara who is leaning on the bar, trying to get the bartenders attention. You've always had a little crush on Cara, who wouldn't?

You throw back the rest of your drink and then confidently walk over to Cara, ignoring Taylor and the whore she is flirting with.

"Hey," you say in a sultry voice and run your finger down Caras arm.

The Brit looks at you with a raised eyebrow. "You're drunk."

"Tipsy, and you're hot." You shrug, a small smirk on your face.

Cara turns to you and checks you out. "What do you want from me?"

"I wanna dance." 

"Dance?" She asks, her accent making you weak in the knees.

"You know, moving your body to the rhythm of a song?" You say sarcastically.

"Alright, smart ass." She chuckles. "You wanna dance? Come on then, but don't blame me if I get a little handsy."

"I won't." You grab her hand and drag her onto the dance floor.

Taylor watches you drag Cara away and she can't explain the deep feeling in her stomach.

"Taylor?" The girl cups her cheek but she moves her head away from her.

"Sorry, my friend is calling me." She pushes past the girl and angrily walks back to the table. "Why the hell is she dancing with Cara?"

Selena looks at her with a raised eyebrow. "What's it to you?"

"Cara's just gonna hurt her."

"Y/N is young and single, what's the harm in her having a little fun with a friend?" Selena shrugs as Taylor stares at the two of you with hatred in her eyes.

You're practically dry humping on the dance floor, Caras hand are all over your body and you're grinding your ass against her crotch.

"Are you jealous, Tay?" Selena asks hopefully. She's been rooting for the two of you to get together ever since she learnt of your feelings a few years ago.

"What? No, of course not." Taylor scoffs. "Y/N's my best friend and I want the begs for her."

"Oh yeah? Is that why you've been ignoring her for three weeks?"

Taylor frowns and looks down at the drink in front of her, the rim is stained with your lipstick and it makes her smile slightly. "She's in love with me, Sel."

"I know."

Taylor looks up at her. "I don't know how to act around her. I don't want to be how we were before and lead her on."

"Taylor, you're not leading her on and she knows that. She's stood by your side through all your relationships and hasn't said anything about her feelings because she didn't want to upset you in any way, but it was getting to the point where she couldn't eat or sleep for weeks because all she could think about was you. I told her to tell you so she can get some closure and finally move on so she can live her life again, and that's what she's doing, but she needs you in her life, Tay, you're everything to her." Selena explains.

"Was she really that bad?" Taylor asks softly after hearing how badly you were struggling.

"You didn't see how she was losing weight so fast?" Selena questions. "You know what it's like after a breakup, right? How all you can think about is that person, and it hurts so bad that you can't eat or sleep? That's how Y/N has felt for the last 5, 6 years."

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