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Little fluffy one give u guys a break from the angst

G!P Taylor

5 kids.


That's how many kids you've pushed out of your vagina because of your fucking wife. Your extremely fertile wife who managed to get you pregnant even when you were on the pill, the implant, using condoms, and an IUD. Every contraceptive you've ever used, Taylor still manages to knock you up.

You're 33 and you've been having kids since you were 16. When you got pregnant at 16, you were distraught but Taylor was over the moon. You wanted an abortion but she convinced you otherwise and eventually you became excited as well and fell in love with your first baby, Rose Andrea Swift. Your parents helped out, even though yours were less than pleased and very reluctant, and you moved in with Taylor's family as demanded by your parents.

Everything was great, you and Taylor were in a steady relationship and Rose was perfect, but then you hit 18 and you fell pregnant again. Taylor may or may not of gotten hit around the head with a slipper a few times, courtesy of you. Easy to say, Andrea and Scott weren't too pleased at first but relaxed when they found out you were being safe and Taylor just has magical sperm. 9 months later you had your first son, Noah Scott Swift.

Taylor went on tour when Noah turned 1. You and both just graduated high school, she was making enough money already to support her family, of course you couldn't work because you had to look after the kids, but Taylor was determined to take you and the kids with her as she toured. You were reluctant, especially since Noah was only 1 and Rose was in her mischievous phase, but went anyways, and swore that would be the last time because they were awful to look after through all the mess and chaos. Taylor understood and agreed.

After her tour, she took a little break to spend with her family. She moved the four of you into a beautiful house and you finally took the next step as a family and she proposed, with the help of her babies, of course. You had a small ceremony, just close family, and were married three months later. On your wedding night, you announced your third pregnancy.

Amelia Majorie Swift was baby number three, and she was by far the hardest birth. Her arm got stuck inside you so they had to break her arm so you could push her out. The break meant she needed a small surgery and it caused you and Taylor to fall into a whole new world of worry, but thankfully she was perfectly fine and grew up without any problems. However, you were so scared to get pregnant and have that happen again, you stopped having sex altogether. Taylor understood and was patient with you, not once pressuring you. The dry spell lasted a year but you got over your fear, plus you missed the intimacy with your wife.

You had a 5 year break from having kids, shockingly enough. Taylor was very focused on her career and you were busy raising the kids, and you distanced from each other for a while. The distance became worse and the two of you stated fighting a lot, one night you had such a big fight that happened in front of the kids and she stormed out, yelling she wasn't sure if she could do this anymore. You didn't hear from her for a week, but you knew she was with Selena. You were 25 at the time and it took your 9 year old daughter taking a cab to Selena's house to drag her Mama home, to realise you were both stupid. You made up that night and both promised to change, she promised to not spend all her time at the studio, and you promised to stop giving her such a hard time about her work. That night she got you pregnant again.

At 26, you gave birth to twin boys. Nathan Thomas Swift and Max Austin Swift. They were completely identical and you could tell them apart with ease, but Taylor really struggled and always messed it up, calling one by the others name and you found it amusing. Thankfully, unlike your first three, they were quite well behaved babies, they didn't cry as much as the others, and when they did, they would calm down when they were put next to each other.

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