Fools in love

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You sip your drink with a small sigh as you watch Taylor flirt with a woman at the bar. You can't hear them over the music, but you can tell by the way she smirks slightly and her eyes wander over the girls body.

"Y/N, just forget about her." Selena begs, her heart hurting from seeing you so broken.

"I've tried, Sel." Your shoulders are sagged and your eyes don't shine anymore. "I just wish I knew why she doesn't love me back."


"Hey, baby girl. You wanted to talk?" Your best friend asked as she sat next to you on your couch, kissing your forehead as she sat down.

"Um, yeah." You said nervously and played with your fingers.

Taylor frowned worriedly and scooted closer to you, holding your hands. "It's me, Y/N, you can tell me anything."

Your teary eyes met hers. "I've been having these feelings recently, well not recently, I've had them for a couple years now, but they've been harder to hide recently, because they're only growing stronger."

"Feelings? For who? Oh god, it's not Austin, is it?" She asked with disgust written all over her face. You couldn't help but chuckle, despite the nausea you were feeling.

"No, it's not Austin." You reassured and looked down for a moment. "It's you."

Taylor frowned. "What?"

"It's you, Tay. I have feelings for you." You admitted, blinking away your tears.

Taylor cleared her throat gently. "How long?"

"Since um, since you released 'reputation'." You answered truthfully. "It started out as just a crush, but it just grew over time, and-and I've,"


"Fallen in love with you."

Taylor took her hands away from yours which made you cry quietly. "Y/N, I...I don't think of you like that. I love you, I do, but as a friend. I'm so sorry."

You bit your bottom lip so hard that it split and blood trickled into your mouth. "It's fine, I'm not surprised. It was a shot in the dark, but I couldn't go another day without telling you, it was killing me inside."

Taylor buried her face in her hands and sighed deeply. "I'm so, so sorry."

"No, no don't be. You're Taylor Swift, you're the most amazing woman out there, and I'm just me, why would you like me like that? I'm a nobody, and you deserve the world." You shook your head and angrily wiped away your tears.

"Y/N, you're gonna find someone who loves you, I know you will, I'm just not that person. You're my best friend and I can't picture my life without you, Y/N. Oh god, I don't wanna lose you- am I losing you? Are we- oh god-"

"Woah, Tay, calm down!" You exclaimed. "You're not losing me, you will never lose me."

Taylor sobbed and hugged you tightly, whispering to you how sorry she was.

"We're gonna be okay, right?" She asked fearfully.

"Of course."

End flashback

Spoiler; you're not okay.

Nothing has been okay since then. It's been three weeks and she hasn't said a single word to you, every time you all hang out with your friends, she ignores you, she ignores your calls and texts, she's making you feel worse and worse every day.

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