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Jungkook couldn't post for now

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Jungkook couldn't post for now. The reason is, every thing he post, there will always be a question about him or Taehyung.

There were even some hate comments, all he could do was just scroll through his feed and nothing more.

He didn't like this. Yes, he has a crush on Taehyung, but he didn't want this kind of thing to happen, specially not having the older be involved.

It was just an innocent invitation, why did it become like this? He huffs as he watches his show, feeling bored. He also couldn't get out of his house, as advised by his manager.

So, he's here in his house, laying on his couch with boredom. His phone rang and he answers it, not interested.
"Yes?" He says, yawning.

"Aish, Jungkook... You're really just lying down on your couch and not doing anything? How about you go and make some art? That's one of your hobbies? Want me to send you some food?"

"That'll be good... Please send me chicken with coke" Jungkook says, smiling a little.

"Aigoo, okay, promise me you'll move around and not just lay down"

"Yeah, yeah... Why did you call anyways?" Jungkook asks as he sat up, yawning again.

"Well, I'm just informing you that tomorrow we'll be going to the CEO and meet up with Taehyung and his CEO too"

"Uh... Why?" Jungkook asks and his manager let out a confused hum.

"I don't know too, but the CEO wanted us both there... He said it was something important"

"Okay, then... Don't forget my chicken and coke" Jungkook says, giggling.

"Yeah, yeah, you brat"

Jungkook fixes his shirt as they walked to the door of the CEO's office. He looked at his manager who nodded before they walked in, there they saw Taehyung, who gave him a smile.

"You guys are here, sit down so that we can start"

"You guys are here, sit down so that we can start"

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