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"Hyung? What do you mean? That can't be?" Jungkook says, voice laced with panic as he stared at his phone

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"Hyung? What do you mean? That can't be?" Jungkook says, voice laced with panic as he stared at his phone.

"I know, but those photos are all over the internet that dispatch even posted an article about you two"

"What?" He says before he opened his twitter, seeing the dispatch hashtag trending. He opened it and immediately sees the said article.

"But, hyung

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"But, hyung... What will happen to Taehyungie hyung?" Jungkook asks as he gulps, realizing that Taehyung was also involved in this.

"I don't know yet... But the CEO is going to be talking with his CEO"

"Oh, gosh... Please update me if anything happens" Jungkook says, huffing as he hanged up.
"Fuck..." He says, shaking his head. A message then popped up, showing Taehyung's name.

Opening it, he sees the older asking him if he was okay.

Taehyungie hyung <3

Jungkook ah?

You okay?


But how about you?

I'm not the only
one involved, hyung

You are too

I'm doing okay too

I'm just a bit confused

Why did it take that fast
for this thing to happen?

I mean, we were just
going to the party together

Why make it big?

I don't know...

But I hope our CEOs settle it

Jungkook huffs as he bit his bottom lip.

"What happens now?"

"What happens now?"

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Caught On Camera [Taekook]Where stories live. Discover now