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I need a long shower before heading to bed. I should check my camera and phones videos now. I collect all of my equipment into my room before my shower so I settle into bed and upload the footage onto my laptop. I scan through the library footage and minutes before the end of the footage, there's a figure in the doorway just stood there. Not doing anything, not moving, just stood there. That's the same time I got stuck in the basement. A few seconds go by when Skylar runs towards the figure, stops, then walks to the basement. I send all the footage to my manager and transcribe the videos for my journalism piece, with history notes. My mind then wanders to that book again. The family's mother, wife is in the book. Why? Does the spirit act through Skylar? Children are more susceptible to spiritual attacks and possessions so it would make sense. I snap some pictures of the book and send them to a friend of mine who studied demonology- if she can't help, no one can.

After transcribing my footage, I finish the opening draft of my journalism piece, ready for individual interviews. I save my work and clean my room a bit, grab my wash bag and head for the bathroom. On my way to the bathroom, I bump into a dense mass. An apology falls off my lips, but I notice I hadn't bumped into anyone at all. I shake my head and carry on to the shower. The water cascades down my skin, warming me and cleansing my spirit. I change into my lounge wear and go back to my room. Skylar is sitting on my bed waiting for me I assume. "Uh hey Skylar, what 'ya doin?" I ask, knowing I shut the door behind myself before showering. "Mummy wants to talk to you." Skylar smiles. I put my things down on the bed and sit down on the floor opposite her. "Can I record this?" I ask holding my camera. She nods and I set the camera up to capture us both in the frame, the doorway in the middle of the shot, us on either side. "Could you just repeat yourself for the camera please?" I ask. She does so and looks down at her hands, she's playing with her fingers nervously. "What does your mummy want to tell me Skylar?" I lean forward. Her head snaps up and her eyes look clouded. A deeper voice vibrates through her as she says "Leave while you can. Before it's too late. He'll kill you." Skylar shakes violently and the crevices of her face turn black and red. I've never seen anything like this. I call out for William and Stiles, I can't let this go on. I scream for them again and again and finally once Skylar is crouched on the floor shaking and crying, Will runs in the room and immediately picks her up. He hesitates before turning on his heel out of the room, rushing down the stairs. Stiles follows shortly behind him. I'm left to myself and my camera, which I click off. My breath has quickened and my palms are wet. That wasn't normal, this is worse than I was told. I'll need to make this a quick job. I didn't sign up for this.

I transcribe the video after sending it to my manager titled- Skylar part one. There's a pair of footsteps coming up the stairs, approaching my room. Stiles emerges and sits down on the floor beside me. He asks me what happened and I show him the video. He shakes his head in disbelief. "Do you want to go on a drive?" Stiles asks me. I look at him. "For my interview." He adds. I scoff gently. "I'm not sure I can do another interview today." I chuckle, trying to make light of the Skylar situation. "I think you need the whole story." He says, I stare at him before nodding in agreement. I follow him to his car and he opens the door for me. I do my seatbelt and Stiles gets in, doing his own. He starts the car and drives towards an abandoned building near the town. After parking and helping me out, he sits down on the stairs to the building and offers a cigarette- I take it. He lights me up and himself before he starts talking. "My mum was a creative soul. My dad is the opposite. He likes things simple and easy, my mum liked a challenge. Nothing is what it seems here. You shouldn't have come and I'm sorry that you did." He says. I ask what he means. "My mum was a part of some club, some movement here. Things were changing and my dad didn't like that." I stare at him. "What are you saying?" He's quiet. "Stiles?" He looks at me. "Read the book."

The drive home is quiet but short. I'm back in my room staring at an email from my friend, the demonologist. She writes, "I have decrypted the pages you sent me, Little weird but"- 'They are immortal, blood-sucking demons of the night. They exist in every part of the city and in every part of the world. These creatures are said to be the spawns of the  for they have the power to manipulate your mind, seduce your spirit, and dominate your soul. But what makes them truly dangerous is their blood-lust, for they will stop at nothing to drain you dry until you're nothing but a lifeless husk. What's worse, is that they were once human, so by the time you will already be too late. The notion of vampirism has existed for millennia throughout various cultures such as the Mesopotamians, Hebrews, Ancient Greeks, Manipuri and Romans, each possessing tales of demons and spirits which were considered precursors to modern vampires. Vampires have all descended from the Turok-Han, the first and most ancient species of vampire in the world, of whom were also created by the demon queen , thus vampires could be considered as a type of demon. From the Turok-Han, other ancient vampires were spawned such as the  though in the latter's case they are more akin to vampiric spirits. The first ever "modern" vampire was none other than  himself. From Judas, modern vampires inherited the typical weaknesses that would be used against them by hunters of old and new. These weaknesses being an aversion to sunlight, silver, and the holy cross. Vampires were said to have been created by Lilith as a perversion of both beast and man, a form of mockery towards the Almighty's creations that being humanity. They would have the appearance of a human but the mentality of a beast and would pillage all that they come across. They were also said to be compensation for Lilith when her first children were killed by. In most cases, vampires were considered revenants of sinful humans, suicide victims, or witches, but could also be created by malevolent curses, or most commonly of all, being bitten by a vampire. Belief in such legends became so pervasive that in some areas it caused mass hysteria and even public executions of people believed to be vampires.'

I'm staring at my screen in confusion. Vampirism? Surely not. Though, that could explain some things. Why was Rosalynne in the book? Was she one of the authors, or just interested in occultism and vampires? It's late now, definitely too late to ask Stiles about the book, so I put my things away and get into bed. My mind won't stop racing. There's a knock at my door, I don't answer. It's way past the time to talk and I need to sleep. But the knocking carries on. It's a droning noise, deep in pitch. I finally answer "Hello?" I'm met with silence. I'm about to repeat myself when my door swings open and William is standing there, face hidden by the dark. I can tell it's William from his clothes, too mature for it to be Stiles. " there something you need?" I ask politely, my voice sounding more confused than interested. "You're bleeding." He says bluntly and quietly. I look down at my hands and I am in fact bleeding, I don't know when it happened but my palms are covered in blood and little red crescent moons. I must've been pressing my nails into my palms by habit of stress. He steps forward, the minimal light from the window revealing his face. There's a faint crimson stain below his bottom lip. "Let me bandage you up." He says, voice laced with darkness. It's an innocent request but something about him doesn't feel right. He steps towards me, I'm still in bed sitting up. There are crows cawing, whispers around me and I feel constricted, confined. "William, I think I should get to sleep." I say firmly, a smile grows on his lips. He takes one final step and he's inches away from my face now. I smell blood on him, blood has a specific tangy scent. I know I'm not mistaken. His eyes grow darker and his smile wider, I shift in my bed and pull my legs up to my chest in an effort to create space between us. "Father?" A voice speaks, laced with anger. Like a switch turning off, William's face shifts to his normal friendly demeanour and he stands up straight, staring at me in confusion. Stiles steps towards him in front of me and whispers something unintelligible, William clears his throat and apologises to me, claiming he had too much wine to drink. When he descends the stairs, Stiles shuts the door and sits on the bed facing me. "Do you understand now?" He asks. I blink at him and shuffle closer to him. "Are you messing with me? Did you create that book?" I try and make it make sense in my head, but Stiles seems offended. "This house isn't what you think it is. Things disappear and reappear in a different place, you see things that aren't there, hear things that you shouldn't, nothing is normal here. What just happened...' I cut him off, understanding now. 'You saved my life, didn't you?" I ask him. He offers a weak smile and a small shrug. "Are him?" I ask cautiously. He shakes his head quickly. "I'm only half, and I was raised on animal blood so I can control myself unlike... Skylar isn't like us. Mum and her are normal. Well, mum was." He explains looking down. I put my hand on his, he places his other hand on top and smiles at me. "I have so many questions" I say. He nods and waits for me to ask them. "The townsfolk, does your dad feed on them?" Stiles looks at me sadly. "I don't know how he feeds but it would explain why they seem so sired to him." I nod, trying to understand this new territory. "Ghosts and vampires...what next?" I chuckle dryly. "You. You're next. That's why you need to leave." Stiles speaks seriously. I shake my head. "I came here for a job, I can't just leave Stiles." Then the house speaks 'LEAVE'. The walls start shaking, the lights are flickering on and off; the windows have burst open from the wind. Stiles stands up and so do I, the door is banging so loudly I feel it in my mind. "What's happening?" I shout amidst the noise. Stiles looks at me, both of us squinting from the strong gales of wind. Everything stops suddenly, silence is all there is. My door slowly screams as it pushes open, Skylar is stood there, teddy in hand, reminding me of myself as a child. "Sky?" Stiles whispers.
"Daddy's here." Everything goes black.

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