"I know you don't want to go in, but it's Wednesday and you can have tomorrow off if you want baby, but i really need you to go in today" Mom explains, i sniffle grabbing my bag and shoving past her, making my way to the school, furiously wiping away my tears.

I walk straight to my first lesson, feeling as though i'm going to break down as soon as someone looks at me, i sit down in my chair and keep my head hidden the whole lesson and thankfully the teacher just ignores it.

Weirdly that's how most of the day went, but i was coming back from lunch and grabbing some stuff out of my locker, them popular girls come up to me and slam my locker door shut, almost trapping my fingers.

"I saw you this morning, with your mommy trying to get you out your car" The first girl fake pouts, i look down at the ground and mess around with my fingers anxiously, more of them laugh at me as i take a few steps back.

"Your mommy is just as fucked up as you are, killing innocent people" She scoffs, i clench my fists as their petty group laughs, without thinking i shove the girl back, causing her to hit into the wall behind her.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing" She spits coming back at me and shoving me into the lockers, i fight back, standing up for myself and pull her to the ground, sitting on top of her and smashing her face in.

"Y/N" A teacher screams, coming behind me and lifting me off the girl by the arms, i continue to kick my legs at the girl making her scream out in pain, i fight against the teacher but another one comes and pulls me off.

"Office, right now" The principal says, i follow him with my head hung low, still being able to hear the girls screams in my head, i'm out into a different room as the principal calls my mom.

"Your mother doesn't sound happy young lady, i hope you're prepared for what is about to happen" The principal spits, i stand up with my bag and follow him out the room, seeing my mom and my Auntie Wanda sitting in the chairs.

Tears fill up my eyes, my mom looks very angry but Wanda looks more sympathetic, i sit down away from both of them and keep my head down, but the principal soon snaps at me telling me to come closer.

"Don't speak to her like that" My mom speaks taking me by surprise, i lift my head up and my mom is holding her hand out for me and i slowly walk over to her, she pulls me onto her lap and i sit as the principal begins to speak.

"Okay so, Y/n had attacked another student-" The principal starts.

"Attacked? She isn't some wild dog" Auntie Wanda says, the principal clears his throat and shakes his head a little bit continuing with his speaking.

"Anyways, she's been violently aggressive towards another pupil, kicking and punching" He continues, i hear a sigh behind me and my mom tightening her grip around me.

"She's not going to fight for no reason, who started it" Mom asks, i started the fight but the girl was talking absolute shit about my mom so of course i'm gonna stand up for her and fight, if she didn't say anything, i wouldn't have fought her.

"Why don't we ask Y/n what happened" He suggests, i shake my head quickly turning it and hiding it in my moms chest. she quickly tightens her grip and holds me close to her running her hands through my hair.

"Can you just tell us what's going to happen" Wanda says, the principal stutters and shuffles some papers before telling me what my punishment was for beating the girl up.

"She's expelled, her attendance is appalling, her attitude to teachers is a disgrace and this isn't her first fight is it?" He reads out, my mom sighs again with a shake of her head and stands up placing me on the floor.

"Shit school anyways" Mom mutters, she grabs my bag and coat and my hand, storming out the school, Wanda close behind us, getting the doors. We walk quickly to the car and i get into the back, the car ride home was silent and full of tension.

Arriving back at the compound, Wanda helps me out the car whilst my mom takes everything inside angrily, throwing everything down by the door. I go to walk upstairs to my room, but my moms voice makes me freeze.

"Do not go upstairs, come back here and explain what happened" Mom speaks, her voice is soft but there is a sternness behind it and i can hear it, but she's never that stern with us, so she's staying soft.

I slowly walk over to her, dragging my feet, her arms are open and i walk into them, placing my head on her chest. Her arms wrap around me and her fingers run through my hair and her lips press against the side of my head.

"Talk to me pretty girl, i'm all ears" Mom says taking a seat on the chair and pulling me onto her lap, Wanda sits beside us and places an encouraging hand on my back, i take a deep breath before starting to explain.

"She was talking about how she saw us before school and you getting me out the car and made fun of that before she started talking absolute shit about you and how you killed innocent people" I say getting myself more upset, i bring my hand up to my eyes and rub them with my sleeve.

"Oh my sweet sweet girl" Mom murmurs pulling my into her chest, i cry softly as my shoulders shake, moms hand is rubbing up and down my back and she's pressing kisses against the top of my head.

"I'm so sorry, i didn't mean to get expelled" I sob taking the ends of moms hair in my hands and weaving strands through my fingers, moms hand comes up to cup my cheek as she rubs her thumb over my tear.

"Shh, calm down. It's okay, that school was such piss anyways baby, we'll get uncle Tony to put some homeschooling in order" Mom says, i nod my head and take a hold of her hand, holding it tightly then lean sideways into auntie Wanda's side.

"I got you bug" She whispers holding me tightly, i snuggle my head into her neck, mom leans over and hugs me from behind and i smile, i smile because the people around me love me and i am so happy that i have them here to support me in my life.

scarlett/natasha daughter one shots #3Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα