5 - little romanoff

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age: 3
mom: natasha

My littlest romanoff was definitely the best one, in many people's opinions, she was so fun to be around, she wasn't moody a lot and wasn't much of a crier unless she was severely tired.

Y/n had her preferences, she was very blunt about who she liked more and would be constantly rubbing it in Clint's face by saying she liked her auntie Wanda more than she likes him which was funny.

Auntie Wanda was definitely a favourite for Y/n, a day didn't go by where the girl didn't have her cuddles off her aunt unless she was on a mission, even when Wanda was sick she would still get some cuddles, although, Wanda was rarely ever sick.

"Naked baby!" I called out from the top of the stairs as Y/n had slid down to the bottom in a fit full of giggles, i just gave her her morning bath and as soon as i took her out of it, she was off like a bullet.

I race down the stairs after her, but i have no idea which direction she went in until i heard them familiar giggles, i followed them into the living room and found her running about, people trying to grab her and she weaved in and out of everyone.

Wanda was the one who caught her, my 3 year old starts whining and squirming her body about trying to get out of Wanda's grip, she sits on the sofa and lets Y/n bounce about on her lap.

"Clothes" I say sitting next to Y/n and holding them out, Y/n shakes her head with a giggle snatching them from my hands and throwing them behind her, i raise my eyebrow and shake my head.

"No throwing, pick them up" I say pointing down to the floor, Y/n turns her body around and bends down to lift them up, letting a little bit of gas out as she does making us all gasp, as she falls into a fit of giggles.

"Did you just pump on auntie Wanda's lap" Steve gasps, Y/n lets out some more high pitched giggles placing her hand over her mouth, turning to Wanda who had face mixed with disgust as she tried holding back her laugh.

"Sorry auntie Wan" Y/n giggles placing her hand on Wanda's cheek, she laughs with Y/n and pulls her into her chest for a hug. I hand Y/n her clothes and she hesitantly takes them off of me, climbing off Wanda's lap and attempting to put them on.

"Let mommy do it" I say taking Y/n's hand and pulling her over to me, i slip her underwear on first and then her shorts as it seems to be quite a hot day and then lastly her t-shirt, letting her go back and cuddle on auntie Wanda's lap.

"I want uncle Tony" Y/n whines sliding off Natasha's lap and coming back over to me, leaning her chin on my knees, i run my hands through her hair giving her a sweet kiss on her forehead.

"Uncle Tony's working baby, he'll be home after lunch time" I said lifting her onto my lap, i hear her sigh and fall against my chest. Wanda steals my daughter from me and makes her way outside with her, through the window, i can see them making their way to the trampoline.

I watch as Wanda helps Y/n onto the trampoline and then climbs onto it herself, they both start bouncing with each other, holding their hands.

One extra bounce caused Y/n to fly up and flip around, luckily Wanda caught her before she landed making them both fall onto the trampoline, ending in a fit of giggle instead of tears.

Grabbing the remote, i turn the tv channel onto something more entertaining and sit back watching it with some peace. It takes a lot in me to not fall asleep, i keep shaking my head and sitting up straight.

"I'm getting started on lunch" I announce to the few people in the room who thank me, i walk to the kitchen and grab everything that i need for everyone. I was cutting up the vegetables, when i heard little feet pattering down the hallway.

"Mommy! Mommy! Wanda took me on the trampoline and i done flip" Y/n shouts running over to me and crashing into my thighs, wrapping her arms around them.

"I saw that baby, it was very funny" I laugh bending down and lifting her up, placing her on the counter, keeping one hand on her knee whilst i finish making lunch. I hand some cucumbers over to Y/n for her to munch on whilst i assemble the rest of the sandwiches.

"Lunch is ready!" I call out. The avengers come running in like a pack of bulls all sitting down at their seats, i place a massive sandwich tray in the middle of the table and everyone starts to eat.

"Where's Y/n's lunch" Y/n asks looking up at me, i give her a hum which is telling her to wait to one second as i finish making the last of the lunch, placing it down and sitting down with Y/n on my lap.

"Here is Y/n's lunch" I say placing food on her plate, she thanks me sweetly and picks it up, shoving it in her mouth. She eats at a fairly quick pace before slowly starting to slow down, she leans against me and starts rubbing her eyes.

"Uncle Tony!!" Y/n screams jumping off my lap and running around the table to Tony who just walked through the door, he holds his arms open and Y/n jumps right into them. He spins her around happily and says hi to everyone else in the room, Tony was definitely Y/n's favourite Uncle.

Tony passed her back to me as i place her back done so she can eat her lunch but she clings onto me and places her hands on my cheeks and stares me in the eyes with her own emerald green eyes and red hair making me smile.

"Mwah mwah" She repeats kissing me until i pull her back, i chuckle holding her close to my chest rubbing her back, she giggles a little bit looking at Tony who takes a seat opposite her.

"Don't wind her up, i'm putting her down for a nap" I warn him pointing my finger at him, he raises his hands in surrender and moves onto a conversation with the boys as Y/n turns on my lap and talks to Wanda.

"Come on you, say 'bye bye i'm going to sleep now'" I say standing up with Y/n and telling her to say bye to the teams, Y/n lays her head on my shoulder and waves her hand at everyone.

"Y/n going to sleep, bye bye!" She repeats making everyone chuckle, everyone says bye and she leans down giving auntie Wanda a kiss, i try to get her to give one to everyone else but she refuses.

"Kiss for Uncle Tony?" I ask trying to lean her downwards but she clings onto me shaking her head, Tony gives her a poke as i walk off and head upstairs, before turning on my heel and shouting back to Wanda.

"Wanda, can you bring me milk up please" I shout, i hear her move about and i continue my route upstairs, i sit in the rocking chair with Y/n on my lap as we wait, Wanda then comes up with Y/n's sippy cup with is filled with a bit of milk, just under half way.

"Sleep well princess" Wanda says finally earning a kiss from Y/n, i hand her her sippy cup and place her down in her bed, she lets out a little whine but stops when i place my hand on her stomach.

"Sweet dreams baby" I whisper kneeling down and kissing her forehead, she smiles behind her cup and waves at me as i leave the room, i make sure my camera app was working and head downstairs. It wasn't long before she fell asleep, her cup falling down onto the floor.

"Come outside for a bit whilst you can" Wanda says pulling my hands and leading me outside, we both lay down on a chair each with a hat and some sunglasses, taking a deep breath i let myself relax.


hate this book already

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