The Reunion

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Once you got the ember you all walked out of the barrier to walk to Auradon.

SUDDENLY, there is a big thump behind you turn around and it's HARRY?! AND GIL!!? AGAIN.

Harry spotted you. And you spotted him.

Tears welded up in both of your guy's eyes as you ran up to hug each other, you got to eachother and Harry spinned you around. It was like a breath of fresh air. 

You started to speak as tears filled your eyes, " harry....Im so sorry, i never wanted to leave you...I-I jus-" 

Before you finished your sentence, Harry kissed you on the lips passionately. And OFC you kissed him back.

You heard in the background, "OH MY FCKN GOD!!!" and, "NO WAY" also, "BREAK IT UP LOVE BIRDS"

You both stopped, but heard a large wavepool of water form. it was....UMA!!!!

"UMA?!" Harry, and Gil shouted. 

"IM BAAACK" she said. she ducked into the water and appeared on the dock behind you.

"UMA!" You practically screamed this as you ran up to her. And supprisingly she hugged you, she never really hugged well....ANYONE.

"ok, ok, this is a nice little reunion but we have important stuff to do! AURADON IS IN DANGER." Mal shouted

you rolled your eyes as Mal and Uma started to fight.

Finally, you all started to head you Auradon.

You and Harry holding hands, while getting bad looks from, Jay, Carlos and Mal.

But not Evie. She was Always accepting of everyone and you knew why. 


(ALSO SHOUT OUT TO @rose_sparrow17 for my like thought proccess and also here this is to 

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