Chapter 4

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"Where did you come from? Do you think this place is weird? Why did you leave the coast?" Cloud looks at me weird, like I'm some looney. I want to bite his head off. He's giving me the same looks the whole town did when they found out about the "outburst" 

"slow down thunder." I drop my head so great he's heard it too. Another one lost to the system. the Suburbian system. So much for getting my answers. "You never told me your name and I don't care enough about the teachers so I didn't listen to them ever call your name." 

I laugh out loud. "the only thing that suburbans ever agreed on was a name for me, even if it meant that it was out of their comfort zone." 

"What little shits." he says. my mouth agape I can't even remember gasping. "close your mouth sweetheart you'll catch flies." 

He just said piece of shit. "I'm not sure if you are stupid, but we do not cuss around here. that's absolutely forbidden." 

This time he laughs loudly. "shit. shit. shit. in case you didn't notice storm I don't give a shit. My eyes bulge. He just said it again, he said shit. Part of me wanted to yell shit as well. but I know there are ears everywhere. Who knows maybe my mom will be around the corner ready to drag me out of this town and to the "looney bin". I wasn't about to risk that so I stay quiet. The bell rings and I know that the hell inside will not wait for me. 'I've got to dip. I'll see you around cloud."

"No you'll see me tomorrow, and I will have a surprise for you." 

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