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   Just Suburbia, the most boring town. Nothing new, nothing dangerous. Everyone was perfect. No snakes in the grass, brick houses all the same color. It was very ordinary. The most excitement happened three years ago when I found out I had Bipolar Depression. But not only did I find out. But the whole town did.

❌- My mom wouldn't ever say I was trouble, but I wasn't like the prim and proper kids in our little bland town. I had a mouth. And I would cry. I also would get angry. But the worst days was when my mom found the cuts on my legs. She wanted to send me out of town to a hospital. But my father talked her out of it. So instead we went to my doctor. Well long story short he went home and told his wife, and then his wife went and told Mrs. Berry and by 8:00 I was the girl that would "flip shit" if you pushed my buttons the wrong way.  -❌

I remember my mom telling me to hold my head high. But I know she was embarrassed deep down. I was the "thunder storm." I was the kid no one wanted to be friends with. I wanted to escape this town, but there was no escaping Suburbia. My great great great great parents lived here, and no one dare moved. Mom met dad here. And that's what was suppose to be of my life. I had heard about the West Coast and East Coast. But those were 6,000 miles away. If we wanted to go anywhere we could go to Suburbia 2.0, suburbia 3.0, and then Suburbia Beach.

Suburbia 3.0 was were all the hospitals were. Suburbia 2.0 was were the schools and colleges were. In the end everyone at the end of the day from 2.0, 3.0, and the beach would come back to Just Suburbia at the end of each day. We would go to sleep. Set out alarms for 6:00am, wake up, and just be ordinary. Little did I know tomorrow would not be ordinary. It would be different.

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