Halloween Special - A bit late

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3rd POV:

The 3 Vs were together, chilling. Velvette was scrolling through Voxtagram, while Vox, with his head on Valentino's shoulder was playing a game on his phone. Valentino was watching him, observing the game that was stealing all of his lover's attention.

Suddenly, Vel stood up quickly, which surprised Vox and Val. The hyperactive overlord looked at them with an exited face.

"GUYS! I have the best costumes for halloween this year!!!!" She announced screaming

Vox and Val shared a confused look and gave returned their attention to the demoness. Bored of their lack of reaction, Velvette looked at them with a disappointed face.

"Come on guys, halloween is today!!! We need costumes and as I said, I got the greatest idea as always!!!"

The two others Vs sighed. Without his eyes leaving his game, Vox started talking. "So, what's that supposed 'great' idea?"

The social media overlord let out a happy laugh, but ended in an evil one. "Well, I thought we could disguise ourselves as each of us! And I already chosen who I want to disguise myself as!"

Valentino simply snickered and Vox was discouraged from the younger's actions. He had a bad feeling about this...

And he was right. The moment Velvette told them she will disguise herself as Valentino, Vox did some math in his head. Val would be disguise as Vox, and that made Vox as Velvette. Why did it have to be him. Val is the one who doesn't mind wearing dresses!

"Alright! So if we want to spend a great halloween, let's get our costumes right now!!!!" Vel said jumping everywhere. It was to much energy for the tv demon. The pimp only laughed, he was more than delighted to see his lover in a dress.

"Isn't there an issue, we don't have our clothes of each other's size?" Vox replied hoping to escape this torture.

Vel smiled evilly at Vox, which made the tv overlord nervous. "Did you really thought you'll escape my brilliant idea?" She said with a threatening voice. Vox tried looking at Val for help, but the pimp only gave an innocent face at him. The moth was enjoying this situation, it was free entertainment.

The hyperactive demon took her phone and started calling someone. "Hello~... You can bring the package to the VVV room. I'm expecting it in less than 5 minutes. You know what happens when you took to much time. Byeee!" She said with a mix of sweet but threatening voice. Vox and Val knew how much the imp that answered was scared and probably in panic mode

Once she hang up the call, she turned to the two other overlords, and with a sweet smile she declared "We should receive the clothes soon enough!" Vox let out an annoyed groan.

Soon enough, but to soon for Vox, an imp arrived at the door. Vel felicitated him for how fast he was to bring the clothings. He actually looked exhausted, but glad he didn't made the socialmedia demon mad.

Velvette opened the box, the clothes were perfectly clean and folded. She quickly gave the clothes to Val and Vox and picked up her own running to a changing room.

Vox sighed loudly, and gave a glare at the dress he was holding then at Val. "You know you're not helping me right now" Valentino laughed at that. "Well, all I do is for my best interest and entertainment, I would not miss a chance to see my great TV overlord in a dress and all embarrassed. I can't miss something this pleasant" Finishing his phrase with a huge grin, staring back at Vox. Vox rolled his eyes. "I guess I won't get you on my side uh" The lust overlord simply chuckle.

They finally left to separated rooms, costumes in hands.

Some minutes later, two of the Vs returned to the main room. "OMG Val!!!! You look so great in these clothes!" Valentino smiled at the exited demoness. "Well, I can say the same for you. Look at you, you look like a mini version of myself" He said back patting her head.

Love Between Two Overlords - VoxVal fanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora