The Girl who Lived, Cried and Fought

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Since you and Maki had gotten separated again, it's like you were a completely different person. Slaughtering people left and right throughout each colony of the Culling Game. You had three priorities right now, to find Maki, unseal Gojo Satoru, and kill Kenjaku.

The first priority seemed impossible, since the colonies were huge, and there were about 4 or 5 of them, so you figured that would have to wait. Unsealing Gojo would take some time without Yuta's help, and you couldn't find him, either. Finding Kenjaku, however, wasn't as hard.

Kenjaku was just about to head to a political meeting when you stopped in front of him. You weren't quite exhausted yet, you still had a lot of cursed energy left and some physical energy as well. Kenjaku simply lifted a brow at you as you stood in front of him with the Soul Piercer in your hand, covered in blood.

"Come back for another fight, Y/n?" Kenjaku asked smoothly as your face remained indifferent with a frown. "I'm here to finish this, Kenjaku."

"If this is about what he said last year, then you sure do need to grow up a little."

"This is about a lot of things."

After the fight with Geto last year, Gojo suggested that he was your natural enemy. Like the two of you were made to fight each other. Of course, he said that as a joke, but something about this wasn't satire. This time, there was actual baggage behind this encounter, not just for insulting Maki, which you're still pissed about. You hated Kenjaku for causing the Shibuya incident, it's the reason you lost Ryo. You wanted him to die the worst death possible, and you wanted it to be at your hand. You wanted the last thing he sees to be the face of evil in his face before he closes his eyes. That face of evil would be you. You didn't care who thought of you as a monster, it didn't matter. The real monster was Kenjaku, for many reasons.

Kenjaku sighed before the two of you continued standing there. The wind continued blowing past the both of you before you started for Kenjaku, swinging the Soul Piercer for his torso. The man swayed his body to the left before you gripped the Soul Piercer with your other hand and swung again for his head.

Kenjaku stopped the blade with his hand inches before it hit his head. He watched your look of shock with a smile before gripping hard enough and ripping it from your grasp, throwing it out into the distance. You extended your arm to use the Force to call it back, only for Kenjaku's fist to punch you square in the jaw, making you lose focus. The impact sent you stumbling, and Kenjaku took the opportunity to keep punching you until blood came flooding out from your nose.

Your ass hit the ground with a grunt as Kenjaku stood before you with a mischievous smile on his face. You frowned before you spread out your hand and used the Force to blast him away, only to use it again to smack him back down on the ground. Your arm extended again to bring the Soul Piercer back to you, and it came a moment later. The sword flew to your hand as you continued walking towards Kenjaku. He looked back up at you before summoning a curse from his hand, forming what looked like an uzumaki floating in the sky.

You stopped right before the uzumaki came flying towards you, and you quickly raised your arm and shot out an orb from your hand, making a hole in the flying uzumaki.

It still came flying towards you, so you shot more orbs out of your hand. That quickly made you tired, but you still kept going. The uzumaki turned to ashes after the 5th orb. Kenjaku started running for you at full speed, and you did the same. You dropped the Soul Piercer right before bashing heads with him.

You took your fist and punched him in the side of his head, making him lose his balance. You took your foot then kicked him right in the stomach. Then you took your elbow and slammed it into his back. Kenjaku still picked himself back up and glared at you before grinning.

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