United in Grief

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Yachi had left you alone at your request. You couldn't deal with him right now. It's only been about 15 minutes since then and you were already missing Maki and Ryo terribly.

It's so quiet, You thought as you walked through the ruins of Shibuya. Your footsteps barely whisper against the chaos, the yelling, the crying, and the death ringing throughout the city. The silence hurts my ears.

You felt a strong, almost overwhelming presence nearby. You didn't bother to look and see who it was, but the presence didn't seem to care and came to you anyway.

"Hm? I sense that Ryo's here, but he's not." A judging voice called out. You turned your head, revealing the scowl on your face and the tears on your cheeks, to find what looked like Yuji standing there. But it didn't feel like Yuji, so it could only be..

"Sukuna." You grumbled out. He looked in the direction of where his name had been called. "You're Ryo's vessel?"

"Ryo's dead." You answered. Sukuna lifted a brow at you. "Then why do I still sense his presence?"

"That's his cursed energy that he left behind. The only trace left of his existence is me." Your face remained indifferent about the topic of Ryo, but your heart, now in two pieces and nowhere to be found, was only left as a shadow in your soul.

"...Well that's confusing. Anyways, what's an innocent Jujutsu sorcerer like you doing around here?" He smirked, noticing that you're a woman wandering around the bits and pieces of a ruined Shibuya, alone.

"I'm anything but innocent."

"I beg to differ. Try me in a battle, let's see if I change my mind." His smirk turned into a full on malicious grin as the two of you ran for each other. His fists were balled up and his arm was extended, almost hitting your face, by the time you'd gotten out the Soul Piercer.

Your instincts were at their highest, lucky you, and you quickly dodged his punches and used the Force to push him back, sending him flying into a building.

He looked around, seeming surprised. "The Force? Now that's interesting." He commented as he leapt from the building and hit the ground. It felt like an earthquake was happening, and you almost fell on your ass.

Sukuna created a fireball in his hands, a large one, then jumped up high in the air. He looked down at you, still holding the Soul Piercer, then smirked and threw the fireball. Your eyes wrenched wider as you lifted your hand, hoping that your other cursed technique was still with you, and shot out an equally as large blob from your much smaller hand.

Eventually the two sources collided, and created a massive explosion, sending both you and Sukuna flying in opposite directions of each other.

You landed in what seemed to be a broken down building. The dust in the air around you acted as company, unwanted, as you looked around and saw that your arm was bleeding. You scoffed, and wiped it off and looked at the horizon, full of the broken buildings and lifeless streets of what was left of Shibuya. The artwork is done by curses and Jujutsu sorcerers alike. They couldn't control the situation of destruction in the heat of battle, doing their damned hardest to not let a single part of them be injured by curses, humanity's creation by their own emotions.

You blinked only once, then looked again to find Sukuna in the air, heading straight for you. The dust on his face told you that he'd crashed into a series of things, too. His fists, balled up again, almost landed against your head when you used the Force to stop him. It barely worked, since his arms were still moving closer, just much slower than before.

His face now had a scowl at your technique, and he took his foot to kick you into the wall, sending you crashing through the building and onto the next. Sukuna didn't stop his rampage, rushing through the holes in the walls that your soaring body created, and kept on punching you further and further throughout Shibuya. There would be twists and turns he'd make, punching or kicking you in the side in whichever direction he chose. Every twist and turn you both took, there'd be a red trail of blood following, and flowing from whatever part of your body that was bleeding.

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘; 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐳𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora