
"Worn out, as in lack of sleep." I chuckled.

The crease in his brow softened with a half smile.

Something in the pod started bleeping loudly, startling Kai and I.

"It's ok. The pod has been programmed to aleart the medic when it's finished healing you."

"How long have I been in here?"

Kai sat up, rubbing his hands through his hair. "Eight days, I think. I've missed you so much."

"Eight days? You've had me sedated for eight days?"

The whooshing of a door opening caught my attention and a bright light caused me to squint as the dome of the pod retracted.

"Daisy, how are you feeling?" Medic Haldon beamed, looking down at me.

"How do you think I'm feeling? You performed surgery on me without my consent and then you sedated me for eight days. You had no right to make those decisions for me. Either of you."

They were both a little shocked by my outburst, lost for words as I glared at them.

"Don't you have laws on this planet that allow people to make decisions for themselves? I don't appreciate being kept out of the loop, it's my body and I should have been the one that agreed to have surgery."

"I'm sorry, Daisy. I panicked when you passed out and I was worried for your sanity if we didn't remove the explosive as soon as possible." Kai frowned, struggling to hold my gaze.

"Keeping absolutely still while you were healing was a necessity and sedation was the only way we could have achieved it. I apologise for not consulting with you beforehand and I am truly sorry for upsetting you."

I wanted to stay angry with them but their reasons were valid and I understood why they did what they did.

It was evident just by looking at their faces that they were sorry and although I could forgive them, I wouldn't easily forget.

"Just.. Just don't take my freedom away from me again. I've had enough of that shit to last me a lifetime, I can't deal with that kind of crap again, I won't."

After a brief silence, Haldon chirrped up. "So, how are you feeling?"

"I feel pretty good. Can I sit up? Am I healed?"

"I just need to scan your spine but I'm quite confident that the pod has successfully completed it's job."

"Ok, sure."

Kai climbed out and stood beside the pod as Haldon pressed a bunch of buttons on the outside of it.

A dull red light passed over my body, and I watched as it slowed around my mid section.

It bleeped, turning green and Kai's stiff shoulders relaxed.

"You've healed tremendously, Daisy." Haldon smiled.

"Thank you."

Haldon explained that my body would feel a little bit weak for a few days and that I'd have to take it easy with light exercise before leaving Kai and I alone.

Once I was out of the pod, Kai carried me over to a chair and sat me down.

"I can't wait to get out of here."

"I'll take you home." Kai had a twinkle in his eye, grinning as his lip turned up.

I quirked a brow at his expression. What was he up to?

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