Completely the Girl's P.O.V.

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Hey guys, so, this chapter takes place during all the action, starting with the medallion calling to the crew of the Black Pearl straight through Jack and Will commandeering the ship. Please enjoy!

The Girl's P.O.V.

I was cowering in my corner, my tattered dress pooling around me, all the pirates milling around, sharpening their swords and polishing their pistols, when all of them look towards their ship at once. Pintel and Raggetti motion for me to come over to them and I hesitantly walk over to them.

"Ok, gents. Let's go get that medallion!" Barbossa yells and everyone cheers.

I stand there and look around everywhere, curious as to what I need to do.

"You! Girl! Stay here and watch the cave! You better be alive when we come back." Barbossa tells me.

I nod and pat the knives on my hip, and he nods at me. They all run out of the cave and I follow, watching the ship leave. I walk inside the cave and pace up and down, thinking of where they could be going. I know they were super mad when that boy got away with their medallion, I know they can't wait to not be cursed.

"What the hell am I supposed to for the next few days?" I ask myself.

I stand there, then walk through a door to my training room, where I have makeshift targets that I practice throwing knives, with both hands, and then I practice sword fighting on a dummy that I made out of my old dresses. After hours of doing that, I walk back outside the room, through the cave full of swag, and out to wear I can actually see the sky.

When I get there, I hide behind rocks to check like I always do, and what I see is different than what I normally see. A longboat, out at see, no ship in sight, with all supplies in the boat with them, rowing towards the Isla de Muerta. I pull out two knives, and put another one between my teeth. I crouch and hide until they are in my range, and I sidle to the side of the rock I'm hiding behind, take aim, and throw, the knife piercing his heart and sending him over the edge of the boat. I hide behind the rock once more and hear a feminine scream of terror. I turn back around and show myself.

"Who are you?" a man asks, unsheathing his sword.

I stand there, and put my weapons down, looking like a innocent teenage girl.

"She wouldn't hurt anyone. Look at her." the girl says.

I twirl the knife behind my back and make eye-contact with the boy, bring my hand from behind my back, and throw the knife, going through his throat. The girl looks terrified, especially since his blood splattered onto her.

"Please don't hurt me!" she cries.

I look at her, my head cocked, and I study her movements. She reaches for something on her dead comrade and I hear the cocking of the pistol, and my third knife flies and hits her heart before she can raise the gun.

I let out a sigh of relief and relax on the rock, letting the waves lull me into a death-like sleep.

I walk alongside the cave like I always do, waiting for Barbossa and his band of miscreants to return from searching once again for the medallion once more, when the boat appears. I duck behind a rock, and unsheathe two knives and put a third in between my teeth, waiting for them to get closer. As the boat draws near, I see dreadlocks with beads and a bandanna around the man's head. I drop my knives. My hair is long, down to mid-thigh, and I have beads just like this man's in my hair, Pintel and Raggetti put them in my hair, saying they were a present from Jack for when I turned fourteen. I drop all of my weapons and happy tears stream down my cheeks. Jack has come for me at last! Then, the Pearl comes into view and fires at the boat jack's in and he goes under.

"JACK!" I scream out, waking from my sleep, with what appears to be tears stream down my cheeks.

I realize it's day light and that they have probably raided whatever town or ship the medallion was in or on. Oh well. Then they'll be back soon, and I might be able to convince Barbossa to give me a new dress. Maybe. This one is torn almost everywhere. Well, on the bottom anyway. The bottom is in shreds and it's almost time for me to cut it again. I have cut it three times already, it's ridiculous how they fail at measuring. Oh well, if I get a new dress, I might actually be happy for an hour. I wonder if Barbossa will actually be proud of me this time.

Hey guys I hope you all enjoyed and if you did, be sure to leave a like and a comment telling me what you like and what you disliked. I love you guys and now you get a sense of who she is. I love you guys, and I will see you Sorcerers and Sorceresses later.

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