xChapter 58 - Paranormal Hijinks (Finale)

Comenzar desde el principio

Everyone is silent as X begins to laugh and return to his normal voice, "Man you should have all seen yourselves! My god this prank was amazing, I should totally do this again!"

X finally realizes nobody else is laughing, "Oh come on, it was funny!"

Alex, Marcus, Rebecca, Christopher, Hamster, & Bennet look at each other before they nod in unison. Together the group all jump X and begin to beat him up.

"HEY STOP! IT WAS JUST A PRANK! DON'T PULL MY HAIR!" X yells as he's getting beaten up.

As Ronnie watches, not knowing what to do, he sees Ray Ramirez enter the cafeteria, completely soaked.

"So that's where you were," Ray sighs in relief.

"What happened with you?" Ronnie asks.

"I was outside talking to an electrician. They said the power is out all over the place but it should be back in a bit," Ray Ramirez explains, "Then I had to go pay a delivery driver."

"A delivery driver? For what?" Ronnie asks.

"Pizza. I dropped it off in the classroom," Ray Ramirez says which causes everyone to stop beating up X and look at him.

"Wow, you're so kind Mister Ramir-" Marcus begins to say while X stands up.

"There's a pizza that has my name on it!" X says as he begins to rush over to Ray. However, Ray stops him.

"X, after what you just did today, you aren't getting any pizza," Ramirez says.

"Awe c'mon Ray-Ray," X tries to say but Ray still insists.

As the two argue, the rest of the kids start heading to the classroom. Though as Marcus starts walking, he sees Rebecca walk up to him.

"Well it looks like what you said didn't happen," Rebecca scoffs, "there was no ghost after all."

"Ah, that's true," Marcus says as he's walking back to the classroom, "well looks like you were right about that but what about the whole seeing us as useless thing."

"That..." Rebecca begins to say, "I still haven't figured it out yet."

"Awe that's nice," Marcus begins to say.

"By that, I mean how useless you are. I don't know whether it is 100% or 80% or 75%," Rebecca explains.

"Oh," Marcus sighs deflated before saying, "but still the fact that you're considering it means you aren't as heartless as I thought. You were actually kinda cool today."

Hearing those words, Rebecca is taken aback, "C-Cool?!"

"Hey I don't know if you should get so worked up Reb'," Ronnie says as he walks towards the classroom, "He compliments everyone."

"R-right," Rebecca sighs.

As the group of kids continued to walk to their classroom, despite none of them really realizing it, they all had grown just a smidge closer than they ever would have otherwise. While the day wouldn't be seen as important to some; this day would be the initial step to a much more intriguing day.


In the cafeteria, X & Ray Ramirez are walking up the steps to the balcony. As they do so, X whistles as he rubs some of his bruises.

"Say, X why didn't you fight back?" Ray Ramirez asks.

"Why didn't I fight back?" X begins to say, "Well that's because."

X begins to playfully wiggle his arms as he teasingly says, "My bones are itty bitty and so fragile. I can't even hurt a fly."

"Yeah sure, but still, you shouldn't be doing shit like this in the first place," Ray Ramirez states, "Just be glad nobody got hurt from your little stunt."

X looks at Ray and remarks, "Oh so you do care for the students!"

"No shit, it's my job to," Ray Ramirez says, "If I didn't get paid I wouldn't be here."

"Sure sure," X says however he stops as he looks up at the window in the cafeteria.

X sees a girl's face looking down at him, staring directly at him. Their face still and filled with rage. When X tries to get Ray's attention, whatever was looking at him is nowhere to be seen.

Since that day, X would try to tell anybody he could about how the school was actually haunted. But nobody would ever believe him. Not the teachers nor any of the students. Nobody ever saw any more ghost sightings after that day. However, it is still said that those who went to Starlight High, they'd occasionally get a feeling when nobody else was around.

The feeling that something or someone was watching them.

See You Next Chapter!~

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