S2 Chapter 13 - Surviving The Seniors (Epilogue)

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Author's Note ~ Hey there I hope you enjoyed the second storyline of Season 2 of Miracle Clinic. Believe it or not, the time that this chapter will be released publicly (March 2nd, 2024) marks the one-year anniversary of when I first started releasing chapters of this series publicly. I'd like to just thank everyone who's ever read the series and especially those who enjoyed it. Whether you started reading back when this first started or recently, I appreciate you regardless. Also as a way of saying thanks for sticking with the series, I've decided that for all of March, this series will release a chapter every THURSDAY & every TUESDAY. Now then, I hope you enjoy yet another sun shorts chapter.

SUN SHORT #1 - Ready To Move To The Next Level?

Outside Starlight High, Joel Cooper tells Ronnie, "It's going to be tough trying to defend yourself from The Massachusetts Boys all by your own."

With Joel gone, it leaves Ronnie to ponder if he was being serious or not. However, that wasn't the only person who heard the conversation. Since behind a tree is none other than Christopher Wrinkle, who was trying to get some wall sits in before overhearing the conversation those two had.

As he begins to walk away, Christopher thinks back to when he fought Victor. He fought him out of anger from seeing a friend get hurt, he's still ashamed that he threw that punch. Yet he knows that if more people are going to be after his friends, he's going to need to find a way to protect them.

Which means getting stronger.

As Christopher heads to the Dawnbreak Health & Fitness Center, he contemplates how exactly that will work when he recalls Sammy telling him how his punch was awful. Christopher comes to the realization that if he wants to get strong, he's going to need to have a good form.

"Christopher?" Someone asks.

Christopher looks and in shock he sees his boss, Mechai Aromdee, standing in the gym chatting with the owner Garry Jackingson, and the boxing specialist Francisco Champion.

"Mister Aromdee, it's nice to see you!" Christopher asks, "What are you doing here?"

"Well since Victor's injured and can't come into work, we're unable to take as many moving requests as usual, so I decided to take a side gig with an old friend of mine," Mister Aromdee explains.

"Believe it or not that man right there is going to be our Muay Thai instructor," Garry Jackingson remarks as he flexes.

"Muay Thai?" Christopher questions.

"It's a martial art that originated from my home country of Thailand," Aromdee explains, "It also goes by the name 'Thai Boxing'. I used to be decent at it back when I was your age."

"Really?" Christopher questions, "Sounds pretty aggressive."

"All martial arts and fighting have some form of aggression to them," Francisco shrugs, "What matters is deciding how you release that aggression, and to what extent."

"I see," Christopher says before asking, "If you don't mind, I'd like to learn more about Muay Thai!"

"Is that so?" Mechai Aromdee questions, "Then I'd be happy to teach you."

Garry interrupts the two as he hands Christopher a contract and says, "As soon as you sign the paperwork you'll be able to take this class."

As Christopher reads how much this costs and signs the papers, he thinks to himself how he's going to need to get glasses. Because there's no way there were that many zeros on the bill than what he saw.

SUN SHORT #2 - The Sixth Tape

Sitting in his bedroom, Ronnie Everst looks down at the box of VHS tapes that his late father and James Lewis recorded. There's a total of nine of them, and since he had already watched five, he figures it's about time to watch the sixth.

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