xChapter 38 - The East Side (5)

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Alex lets out the biggest yawn in his entire life as he sits in the back of a crowded black sedan. Next to him is Marcus who's stuck in the middle and Ronnie who's on the passenger side. At the front of the car are Elizabeth & Aken Amnestor, who are sitting in the front passenger & driver's seats respectively. The sedan is stuck in a crowded traffic jam as it tries to make its way to the east side. Elizabeth is bored out of her mind as she twirls with the string that's on her green hoodie, Alex is drifting to sleep, Ronnie is looking out the window, and Marcus is stuck being squished between the two.

As the only noise that fills the air is cars honking their horns and other drivers experiencing road rage, Amnestor calmly tells the group, "We aren't going to be at the east side for a while."

"I could've ridden over on my bike quicker," Alex grumbles.

"Y'know what Alex, I actually believe you on that," Ronnie retorts.

"Hey guys let's look at the bright side, we can discuss stuff more before we get there," Marcus tries to say.

"Dude you don't have to be positive right now especially when you got the middle seat," Alex says.

"I don't know why you guys are complaining, my seat is pretty comfortable," Elizabeth smirks.

"Yeah just so you know I get shotgun on the way back!" Alex yells.

"Uh huh," Elizabeth says, "though to be honest, what Hunter said is reminding me about something."

"You too?" Ronnie asks.

"That he's a jerk?" Alex questions.

"No not that," Elizabeth begins to say, "back towards the start of the school year, Ronnie & I had a run-in with that cafeteria intern. The dude was selling those muffins you guys were addicted to back then to some of the faculty. Though when we went in the kitchen he was trying to dig something up, but got stopped."

"I thought he was just a lunatic but if what Hunter said about those guys digging up something from the kitchen is true, maybe he's a part of whatever these new folks are a part of," Ronnie suggests.

Amnestor sighs and thinks out loud, "It's always the kitchen, huh?"

"Hm? What do you mean?" Marcus asks.

"Oh, I probably shouldn't be telling you guys this but about two years ago some incident that almost got the school shut down happened in Starlight High's kitchen. A few students were expelled, three dropped out, but besides that, nothing else happened."

"Do you know anything else about that whole thing?" Marcus asks.

"That's all I know, you can try asking some of the other faculty but they'll just pretend nothing happened, believe me, I've tried," Amnestor replies.

"That happened two years ago...but Vanessa was talking about something that happened 7 years ago?" Alex begins to think before he gives up and groans, "Urgh none of this makes any sense!"

"Yeah you're telling me," Ronnie says, "I don't even get why someone would try and target the MSA, they're always so active in the community!"

"Say speaking of Vanessa, it seemed likes you knew her somehow Alex," Marcus says.

"Oh right," Alex says before he sighs and explains, "her and I were friends back in elementary school, but my family moved to the north pretty soon after I met her and I lost contact with her. So needless to say I was a bit shocked seeing her again doing...well y'know. I wish I had at least a clue of what she was going through!"

"That isn't your fault Alex," Amnestor begins to say, "and I'm in the same boat as you, I want to know a bit more about them before you guys try to track them down, which is why we're heading to Seastar High."

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