Hopeless Smile

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The nurses were doing CPR and desperately trying to revive her. But after 30 minutes of trying, they stopped. They pulled the curtain shut. And I heard a doctor say quietly, "Call the time... this poor girl." She had died.

I was devastated. I couldn't believe that my friend, the girl who had brought a smile to my face and helped me find hope again, was gone forever. It felt like everything around me had crumbled into dust.

But even in the midst of this pain, something inside me shifted.

Seeing Ella's life cut short made me realize how precious every moment is - and how important it is to live each day fully.

In her memory, I promised myself that I would never give up on life again. Even when things get tough or seem impossible, I will keep fighting for happiness and joy because that's what she would have wanted for both of us.

So if you're reading this now and struggling with your mental health too-know that there are people out there who care about you deeply; don't ever forget it! And remember: no matter how dark things may seem at times - hold on to hope because brighter days are coming.

One of the doctors left the room and returned shortly after with a beautiful woman who, upon seeing the girl, burst into tears, screaming, "My baby!!! No. No, no please." It was followed by her pleading to the doctors to please try again, but nonetheless it was to no avail.

The mother started to sob, and the doctors began to disconnect the wires, stopping the endless running of the heart monitor and confirming her life was at its end. The curtain was pulled back, and the doctors began to wheel her away. I slowly got off the bed, and, almost at a whisper, said,

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