If you leave your concerns, problems, and worries in the hands of the Lord Almighty God,

If you turn to Him in every way,

If you wholeheartedly believe Him and what He can do,

You will surely witness a brighter future;

Though this life is filled with highs and lows,

You can make it through every challenge, hardship, and trial

With His guidance and love; 

You are bound to prosper in your endeavors;

Your dreams will become a reality;

Your sorrows will turn into joy;

And what awaits you in the end is a blessing that earthly wealth cannot compare to;

That is, if you endure until the end and remain loyal to the Creator,

If you continue to hold onto the pristine truth,

If you keep treading on with the courage, determination, and will to do what is right,

Wonderful things will come in your plight.

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