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Although hardships and pain are inevitable in this world,

We take comfort in knowing that we have people who care for us

People who want what is best for us

People who would go out of their way to see how we are doing

Though is the comfort we receive from our fellow men enough to solve our problems?

Who is the One that we can turn to put an end to our troubles?

Who is the One that we can rely on for guidance in moments of weakness when other people are unable to help us?

Who is the One that we know can truly help us to make it through?

This is the One Who created us

The Lord Almighty God Who gave us life

Every blessing we have comes from Him

Every obstacle or trial we encounter that we manage to conquer is because of His help

If there is anyone that can help us every step of the way, it is the Lord Almighty God alone

God is the One Who made us

A biological parent cares for their child

What more God Who is our Creator and spiritual Father

And if we trust in Him and in what He can do for us, 

If we wholeheartedly obey Him,

If we yearn for Him through fervent prayers, 

We will surely achieve great things

In this world

Though most importantly in the life that is to come

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