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The girl woke up and noticed she wasn't in her bed. She then remembered what happened the day before and her eyes started watering.

She heard the door open and saw Minho enter. She quickly wiped her eyes so he wouldn't see.

"Hi beautiful"

The female blushed slightly at what he called her and hid her head in the pillow so he wouldn't notice her red cheeks. He chuckled slightly and closed the door before walking over to the bed.

"Aww did I make you shy?" He asked while slightly laughing.

"Shut up. What do you need?" Mia asked finally looking up at Minho.

"I came to wake you up but I guess I didn't have to. Come downstairs soon. Breakfast is ready." Minho smiled at the female before walking back to the door.

He left and Mia soon emerged from the room to the kitchen where she saw the 7 men sitting at the table. She walked over and sat between Felix and Minho.

"Good morning Mia." Chan greeted while coming back from the kitchen with a plate of pancakes.

"Good morning Chris" she said in English making Felix choke on his water. Jisung patted his back to help him breathe again.

After a minute or so he stopped coughing and he looked at her in disbelief.

"What? You knew I'm Australian."

"I know but still. Your accent is attractive" he mumbled the last part but the female still managed to hear it, her face turning a bright shade of red in a matter of seconds.

"J-Just be quiet and eat" she said still flustered while stuffing her face with a pancake.

The others sat staring at them for a moment before they started eating and talking amongst themselves.

"So do you guys all live together or?" Mia asked

"Oh no, Jisung, Felix, Hyunjin and me live here, while the other 4 live in the next neighbourhood." Chan said with a smile. Mia nodded understanding.

"Hey Mia, can we ask you something to get to know you a bit better?" Hyunjin asked from across the table.

"Um okay" she answered him.

"Favourite colour?"


"Favourite food?" said Changbin

"I don't know, I eat everything" she shrugged

"How old are you?" Jeongin asked after being quiet for most of the time

"19" she answered while eating a slice of bacon. The others eyes went wide.

"Wait? When is your birthday?" Seungmin asked

"January 24th. Why?"

"AH DANG IT!" Jeongin yelled

"HEY! LANGUAGE!" Chan said glaring at the youngest.

"Why are you reacting like this?" Mia asked confused.

"I'm still the youngest. My birthday is February 8th" Jeongin said while sulking.

"Oh really? I thought I am the youngest." Mia said

"Well looks like you aren't" Jisung pointed out

The group of 9 chatted for a little while longer before cleaning up.

"Chan let me help" Mia said while walking into the kitchen

"No I will do it myself" Chan reassured the younger female.

She sighed while taking the dirty plates from his hand and started washing them.

The oldest sighed and shook his head.

Once they finished cleaning Felix came up to the two.

"Hey we will go to the mall and you two are coming with us." Felix said with a smile

Mia widened her eyes. "Me?" She asked pointing to herself, to which Felix nodded. "But I don't have anything to wear."

"You could borrow my clothes. Or Jeongin's if mine would be too big." Felix answered the blushing female.


"Come on let's go get ready" The freckled boy said while dragging the female to his room.


I have an idea..

The girl in the Rain || Lee FelixNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ