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After maybe about half an hour of driving, they came to the mall.

They exited the vehicle and reunited with the others.

Changbin and Hyunjin were still bickering but that's normal at this point.

The first place they went to was a clothing shop. Felix brought his female friend a bunch of clothes, even tho she insisted that she didn't need any.

"C'mon. Let me pay. Pleasee" Felix basically begged the female to let him pay for the clothes, which consisted of mostly sweatpants and hoodies with some t-shirts and a bit of jeans.

"Ugh fine." She replied back, smiling to herself at how much the freckled male cared for her, even tho they met yesterday.

The male paid and they went to the jewellery store because the rest were still shopping for clothes and the two were too lazy to wait.

Mia was looking at the bracelets while Felix went to look at the rings. He was looking for a specific type of ring..

After he found it he paid and went back to the female who was still looking at the bracelets.

"If you want one tell me. I'll pay" The male said, scaring her even tho he didn't want to

"Jesus Christ you scared me!"

"Well sorry.. Anyways do you like any bracelet here?" He asked

"Well I really like this one" Mia said while pointing towards a silver bracelet. It had a flower on it and was decorated a bit on the sides as well.

"Excuse me, we'll have this one!" Felix   said to one of the workers there which immediately came over to them and Felix paid for the bracelet before the female could argue.

They left the store and the male was immediately scolded by the younger.

"Are you mental? That was so expensive! You need to stop wasting money on me, you don't even know me that well!" Mia whisper-yelled

"Well I want to know you better" Felix shrugged

"You know wh-" the female was cut off by Jeongin who hugged her from behind so tightly that it looked like she would disappear if he let go.

"Noona! Where were you?" He said slowly detaching himself from the older girl.

"We went to the jewellery store!" Felix replied happily taking the bracelet he bought and placing it on the female's hand.

"Oh my god Felix" Mia sighed

"I'm hungry" Changbin whined coming up to them.

"You're always hungry!" Felix shit back

"I'm hungry!" Changbin yelled grabbing a few people's attention.

"Just be quiet. We're going to a restaurant now so shut up!" Seungmin argued. That made Changbin go quiet

They went back to the car and sat exactly the same as how they did while coming here.

They drove for a couple of minutes and arrived at a sushi restaurant. That went inside and took a seat at a table for 10.

They ate while talking and laughing. Chan and Minho paid for the food and it was already 9pm when they headed back home.

Mia was talking to the guys, but the last thing she remembered is falling asleep on Felix's shoulder


There has to be at least some cringe, right? Otherwise it wouldn't be a story made by me but ANYGAYS I have an idea. It's not a good one, but it's still an idea.

The girl in the Rain || Lee FelixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora