Chapter 9

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(Hello there friends, it has been a long time. Now I dont want to play the victim and tell some bullshit story about how I had issues and blah blah, naah nothing of the sort. I was busy having fun most of the times, but to be honest I also didn't like how these stories were coming together. After much thought I decided to resume them and finish them once and for all. I won't rush them, I'll take my time, but I won't stop writing now. Thanks for coming to my ted talk, lol)

Before everyone could finish their sentence, a glooming beam of pure energy tore the sand hill in half. A loud explosion, shouts, screams, panic. Then, nothing. Both of my eyelids slowly closed and it was darkness, followed only by an annoying ringing in my ears that slowly faded away. The time seemed to freeze. 1,2,3 seconds, or minutes? I couldn't tell. My entire vision was dark and I felt alone, increasingly cold. It felt like walking through eternal stone corridors. Soon enough I could hear my footsteps echoing inside of that odd place. I was wandering inside my soul. I kept walking and walking, but I was getting nowhere. I was losing hope, and I sat down, thinking about the terrible fate of my allies, and the pain Akali was going to feel once she discovered about my death, and how I kept it all a secret. I was going to tell her, at some point, probably if I survived that day. Sorrow, that's what I felt; but my sad mood shifted once I heard her voice, calling me. It was low at first, coming from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. As I jumped on my feet and started walking desperately towards what I presumed was the origin, it became louder and clearer. I started running and I saw a light. I jumped into it...

...and the sand dust flew into my mouth as I gasped for air, awoken from a coma. The blazing sun of the desert pierced through my eyes directly into my skull, and the ringing came back. I looked up. It wasn't Akali calling me, but Ashe. As I saw my ally's face, I came back to my senses and left behind the dark corridors of my mind.

Ashe: "Can you hear me? HEY! Fuck...I don't think he's okay!"

I could barely hear her at that point, but it was getting better fast, almost like a computer rebooting after a sudden shutdown. Braum looked at me while still holding his enormous shield. His face was worried at first, but as he saw me his usual smile came back.

Braum: "Ah Ah! That boy is invincible!"

He laughed, and everyone turned their head towards me. They were all alive.

I sat up, patting my dusty clothes with my hands.

Y/N: "What the fuck happened?"

Kayle rushed to me and pushed my head down

Kayle: "Keep down, fool! The battle is still going!"

She was right, there was a savage battle going on all around us, but it seemed like we weren't the ones getting the most pressure right now

Kayle: "Vel Koz shot us but Braum managed to raise his magical shield just in time. We didn't get hit but you did, almost fully. I still have no idea how the fuck you're still alive"

Y/N: "Well, thanks? But how are we not overwhelmed yet?"

Ashe: "Allies arrived, Fate managed to convince a few Shuriman lords to intervene, and they arrived in the right moment, just before they could finish us"

Kayle: "Now that you're awake we can finally retreat and lick our wounds"

Y/N: "That is not happening"

Her face looked shocked, the others looked the same. Only Eve was angry.

Eve: "What are you saying, idiot?! Cait and Soraka are dead already, you want to join them too??"

Y/N: "What? Why would I?"

I was genuinely confused, and everyone got confused as much as I did hearing that

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