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Going to Volterra, Leaving everything, everyone Aster had ever known was tough. It was hard on her. And to travel to someplace with a stranger, it all unnerved her.

But she wanted a change. It didn't matter what direction it took, positive or negative.

Sanguini shook Aster out of her train of thought. "Miss Aster, would you like to explore the town? Or would you rather explore your townhouse?"

"I'd like to explore the townhouse first then we can go around the town. Will that be alright with you?" Aster stated.

"That'd be alright with me. Well I'd be leaving first. The kings have summoned me. Just call me on this number and I will come running," Sanguini spoke with a cheeky and a somewhat flirtatious smile.

"I would like to meet those kings of yours and stop with the flirting, would you? I'm not interested," Aster gave him a deadpanned look, not quite impressed with Sanguini.

"They are no kings of mine. I do not serve anyone. I'm a drifter, a loner of sorts. I'm merely an adviser. Although Aro has repeatedly pleaded with me to join their coven. I have refused him on countless occasions." He stated with a wry smile.

"I didn't mean to offend you sanguini. I'm not aware of your customs nor am I aware of your bearings. I apologize if I've said something wrong," Aster said apologetically.

"No offense taken. I find wizards, especially the ones from the British Isles to be ignorant and sheep-like like but you Miss Aster have impressed me. I will visit the kings now and get permission for you to enter the palace. Give me an hour. Until that you can tour your place," Sanguini spoke with a nod of acknowledgment.

"I'd be grateful," Aster spoke and left to explore.

An hour later, Sanguini arrived with a pleasant smile on his face. "I come bearing good news. The kings are interested in meeting you. You've been granted permission to visit the palace. Would you like to go?"

Aster agreed and they both made their way to the Volturi coven's grand palace.

Aster was astonished by the architecture of the building and the intricate designs of the entire place.

Two guards, Jane and Alec were introduced to Aster as she walked inside the entrance who were bickering with each other. They looked young but strong.

Aster felt a bit emotional looking at the young vampire guards who reminded her of Bellatrix and Regulus.

Her sweet children, looked like they got along but when within familial walls always bickered.

The lift, or the death trap as stated by sanguini was bizarre to Aster but made sense at the same time.

The ministry building had some semblance of this entrance. But ministry building was much garish.

The lift played some weird somber music that switched on your fight or flight mode. It was like you were heading for your death.

Jane and Alec smirked as they noticed Aster's reaction.

The ride came to an end and you had arrived at your destination. They led Aster and Sanguini to tall, imposing doors that looked as if death was waiting behind them.

"Open the doors Sister," The child, Alec spoke.

As the doors opened, Aster was made aware of the beautiful thrones and the icily beautiful men that adorned the thrones.

"Ah, the tantalizing smell of wiccan blood. Always excites me!" The man sitting in the middle exclaimed.

"Aster Black, the destroyer of the dark lord. We all have been looking forward to meeting the woman who helped save us all from an insane man," He said with a welcoming smile.

"It's my honor to meet the Kings who have maintained the vampires so well and not let them run amok," Aster spoke with a bow of acknowledgment.

"Aro," The man sat next to the king with long luscious hair spoke and lent his hand to the king in the middle, named Aro.

"Marvelous," Aro breathed out. "Can you guys even try to include me?" The blond-haired king grumbled.

"She's our soul daughter," Aro breathed out with a look of fascination on his face.

"This is miraculous," The man who had lent his hand to Aro spoke.

"Soul daughter? Marcus, are you sure?" The blond-haired man asked with a look of incredulity to the second king named Marcus.

"I've never been more certain in my life Caius," Marcus affirmed. Caius looked at Aster with a dumbfounded look on his face.

"Our daughter," He whispered, not believing what was happening at the moment.

"May I ask what's with the flabbergasted looks on your faces and the mentions of a daughter?" Aster spoke with an annoyed expression.

"Miss Aster if I may? Marcus, my brother can see bonds. He has seen a familial and a somewhat parental bond between us the kings and you. This bond is strong. You must be feeling a pull to it right now," Aro explained with an airy voice, it reminded Aster of her friend Xeno.

The whimsical smile and the airy voice melted Aster's heart.

"A bond? How does that work?" Aster asked curiously.

"It's a soul bond. Fates have made it out this way. We, the vampires have no known way to have a child so we were gifted with somewhat special bonds. Like having blood singers or having mates but the parental soul bond is rare, very rare but it happens," Marcus, who seemed quite demure and sullen informed.

"That is interesting. But how would I be assured that I wouldn't get taken advantage of?" Aster voiced, her eyes shining with sadness. "You would have our word. We wouldn't dare. Not with our soul daughter," Caius affirmed.

"I would like to give you all a chance then," Aster offered them a smile.

Aro clapped his hands. "You will always have a home here with us. Splendid! I need to go on a little shopping spree as you youngsters call it now,"

Caius huffed, "Calm down brother. You're going to scare our daughter off." Aro looked dumbfounded.

"Am I scaring you, sweetheart?" He questioned Aster. Aster shook her head. "Not really?"

"Look at that! Isn't that great? I'm not terrifying. See brother," Aro scoffed. Aster muffled a chuckle at the kings's Antics.

"Hope you're doing okay Miss Aster," Sanguini quipped as he came out of the shadows.

"It's a lot to take in but I've faced worse so I'm quite interested to see how this maps out," Aster remarked.

Okay! Meet up with the Volturi is here.

Now do we want a time skip to Charlie with little bits and pieces of the Volturi coven or do we want to read the entire thing?

Have a great day!

COLA || 𝒄.𝒔𝒘𝒂𝒏 (𝐡𝐩 𝐱 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭)Where stories live. Discover now