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Aster Black was many things. She was a mother to the Black siblings, a beloved sister to James Potter, a mentor to the Slytherins, and a savior to the Wizarding world.

So when one day she upped and vanished only leaving a letter behind? It truly broke the people that loved and cared for her.

There were manhunts for her but all were rendered unsuccessful.

Sirius, Regulus, James, Bellatrix, Narcissa, and Andromeda all were heartbroken. They couldn't deal with the loss of their mother figure.

It made them even closer. They became close, so close that it was as if they were stuck together with gorilla glue.

As the years passed, they tried their best to move on. But unfortunately, couldn't find the closure they needed.

Even after a decade of her missing, a question that lingered in everyone's minds was, Where was Aster?

-the day Aster left-
Blood, Aster was surrounded by blood. Her hands shook as she looked at the sight in front of her. She finally killed him.

She couldn't believe that she had killed a man, well a creature more than a man but he was still a human.

Tom Riddle, the so-called dark lord. She ended him. She knew the man. She had seen the good side that was ruined by his ambitions.

Poor Tom, She sympathized with him. He was the bane of her existence. Such a charming man but was ruined by dark magic. It was a pity. She liked him.

Who knew the oh-so-immortal dark lord would be dead by a gunshot to his heart?

'Well at least the war was now over', Aster thought to herself. Her siblings wouldn't have to partake in a wretched war.

Little teen soldiers being trained by that dumble fuck. They wouldn't be in harm's way.

She thought of herself as a monster, a murderer. She had killed, maimed, and injured so many people just so her kids could live a happy life.

She was selfish. But could you blame her? She did everything for her siblings, including that silly James.

But she wouldn't let them be tainted by her. No, She refused to let them. They were her innocent children. Children that she raised all on her own.

So to protect them, Aster decided to leave. She knew a cousin, a squib named Billy Black who lived in the States. She decided that she would stay with him for a few.

First, she made her way to Gringotts. Her account manager, ragnook was a good person. He would help her find a way to get credentials, a passport, IDs, and licenses.

It was then that she found that she had a villa in Volterra, Italy, a gift from her grandparents.

She wanted to visit the place so it was planned that Aster would first visit her place and then visit her squib cousin.

While in Gringotts, she met Sanguini, a vampire that she had seen before in the slug club.

"Pleasure to finally meet you, Miss Black." The man tipped his head in acknowledgment.

"The pleasure is all mine Mr Sanguini," Aster greeted in return.

"Apologies for eavesdropping but I overheard that you're headed to Volterra?" Sanguini inquired.

Aster nodded. "Yes, I'm headed there. Is there a problem?" She said with a raised brow.

"No no, I don't mean anything bad. I'm headed there myself but are you aware that it's a vampire town?" Sanguini questioned with a tilted head.

Aster furrowed her brows. "A vampire town? What is that supposed to mean? How isn't this information known by us wizards?" She asked curiously.

Sanguini chuckled. "The vampire kings and their coven reside there. This is known by the wizards but only a few. That place is a gem, a scary place but a rare gem nonetheless," He replied.

"I've been going there for centuries. I could show you around the place if you'd like?" He spoke with a charming smile on his face.

Aster had a thoughtful look on her face. "How can I trust you? That you won't kill me? Or let someone know about my whereabouts?" She inquired.

"It's all out of goodwill, Miss Black. I wouldn't do such a thing. But if you want I can sign a binding contract." Sanguini placatingly spoke, his eyes glittering with amusement.

They signed the contract and with a heavy heart, Aster left a letter for her siblings and made her way along with Sanguini to Volterra, Italy.

Hey guys, hope you liked the first chapter. Next chapter Aster will meet the Volturi kings and the coven.

Sanguini plays a big role in helping Aster with her life.

Ahh, it's going to be such an exciting book. I'm so glad that you're reading this. The next coming chapters are cracky.

The Volturi kings pulled Aster out of her depression and helped her regain her mental health and become lively again.

The timeline is whack. Charlie is still with Renee. But cracks are soon going to show up. Renee is pregnant with Bella right now.

you can suggest things that you want to read in this story!

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