Life Update and my own Middle-Earth

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Hello there readers. Was honestly scared to upload this. You all were definitely expecting another chapter where the shipgirls react to another vid but that's not the case

Title of this "chapter" is obvious, so I won't keep it short

Do not expect me to upload a reacts chapter anytime soon. School interference and personal things have its toll, good or bad

It's also probably because I am starting my own Lord of the Rings-style story. It will never be as legendary and in-depth as the works of Tolkien, but I don't really care about that. Will I ever upload it to Wattpad? Perhaps

I'm not going to use the orcs, elves, and dwarves. And I've made the factions already, for example:

1. Nekrohiria (Necromancers) who are an organized cult that use dark magic to make the undead for their own gains

2. Norumina, it's people named Frostians, are one of the more neutral species in the world whose people live in the North and live in the peaks of the icy mountains, they provide sanctuary in war and conflict. There are only so little left, but they continue to be wise and record the history of the ancient world

3. Ignulathen, its inhabitants are kind of humanoid, all are genderless, and they grow bigger as they age, the highest being 7ft and they only have a lifespan of 50 yrs. The name of its people are the Ashekin. They live in fiery volcanoes, for lava is like their water. They are always misinterpreted as creatures that only know violence, but they are excellent craftsmen. They are only violent if someone or another faction provokes them for a certain reason

I basically combined different words from different languages for the names and stuff.

Then for the timeline, it's still vague but here it is:

Ages of the Earth: (Major Events)

1. Times before the dominance of Man (Times before Man), 54000 years ago, lasted for 24000 years

- The Guardians are born

- War of the Three Nations (Flodaria, Ignulathen, and Reguinum)

- The First Heroes and their Slaughter of the Old Dragons

- The first humans form the nation Aethema as they live in the Mountains

- Organization of the Aether Knights in Aethema are formed to protect the dragons

2. Awakening of Mankind, 30000 years ago, lasted for 13000 years

- The End of the Reguinum Kingdom

- The ways of Ancient Earth were taught to Mankind

- Expansion of Humanity

- Genocide of the Frostians and Guardians (caused by the humans)

- The Blue and Red Wizards are formed in the Swamps of Taisuagon

3. The Nether Days, 17000 years ago, lasted for 2000 years

- Division of Humanity, and the Old Wars of the Overworld

- The Netherworld reveals itself and invades the Earth

- Aethema takes action, and the Battle of the Uncharted Lands take place

- While Aethema holds the armies of the Nether back, an Alliance between all nations happen, and the War of the Overworld Alliance takes place

- The War of the Alliance lasts for seven years, the first few years being won by the Nether, but the Alliance persevered with the rise of young warriors, particularly when a Red Wizard named Tekina Tosagite from Taisuagon and a hero named Aitarius Mihiodis from Erisunaden

4. Awakening and Fall of Legends, 15000 years ago, lasted for 7-8 centuries

- Formation of the Ancient Cults, Creation of the Hero Clans

- Decrease and Rise of the new and old Monsters

- Rise of Skounerai Omarchon, Lord of the Old Vampires

- Siege of Azurflame Citadel (Between Undead and Wizards)

- Twilight-Sylvan War on the Plains of Obsidian (Between Vampires and the Taisuan-Necian alliance

5. Last Age of the Mythical World (What I will be mainly focusing on), 7-8000 years ago, lasted for 4 centuries

- Tensions between Ignulathen and Aethema rise

- Decrease of Heroes and Wizards due to battles and certain reasons

- The descendant of Tekina and Aitarius goes on the main character protagonist journey

- Rise of the Nekrohiria and recreated the "Atoza"

- The Last War of the Times before Man (Netherworld returns once more)

6. Dominance of Humans

- Netherworld may return to Earth one day (Kinda Armageddon, Third time's the charm)

- Most species of the Ancient World and Magic (Like the Guardians) eventually die out

- The World breaks up and the Continents rearrange, to Present Day


If you guys want to help or influence me on something then go ahead. If you have ideas or thoughts and criticism then just say it. Like I said, my ideas are still brand new so it ain't even close to being final at all.

I've also realized that making the reaction chapters took its toll on me so I wanted to do something else which is why this update exists


Have a meme: Question is, would any of you do this?

Have a meme: Question is, would any of you do this?

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