Devotion (Part 4)/Small Update

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Side note: I updated the title, the story still has the same cover.

Side note 2: After the Devotion movie will be the Epilogue, the finale is the next part

Reactions before the Epilogue:

- Battle of Jutland

- Battle of Taranto

- Battle of Samar, Task Force Taffy 3

- The Pig War

- The Cold War

- The Fighting Lady

- How Nuclear power works (maybe)

- Star Wars Navy battles (Most specifically Scarif, Endor, Scipio, Corusant, etc.)

- Devotion movie (Current reaction)

New characters (you can request):

I plan to add USS Texas at one point

Current requests to be accepted after the Epilogue:

(I will be doing alternate history for some of these. Since my version is the crimson axis war didn't happen, some of these videos will be related to that war like in the anime/game)

- Battle of Guadalcanal

- Battle of Tarawa

- Bismarck Sabaton

- HMS Dreadnought

- WW1 and WW2

- The New Order Documentary (It's basically 'what if the axis powers won?'. It's really good)

- Battleship 2012 scenes

- Greyhound scenes

- Battle of Myeongyang, Admiral Yi (maybe)

- Pirates of the Caribbean (maybe)

- Bismarck documentary by animarchy history

- Hacksaw ridge scenes

- Naval Legends: Yamato

- Yamato (2005) scenes

- Naval Legends: Georgios Averof

- Yuro World of Warships

- Halo Battle of Earth (maybe)

- Isoroku Yamamoto, the Commander-in-Chief of the Combined Fleet movie/scenes (maybe, for the crimson axis war history)

- Storm Over the Pacific movie/scenes (maybe, for the crimson axis war history)

Chapter starts:

As the text disappears, we hear plane engines and the wind gusting. The squadrons have arrived, we see them in formation as they continue flying. Tom breathes deeply as looks down to see the objectives they need to destroy. 

"205, descend HOT" Tom says as he flies down, the other planes follow. They start diving, but after a while anti-aircraft fire starts to rain.

The shipgirls tense

The planes continue diving as the pilots are seen nervous in their cockpits as they slowly dodge the rain of anti-air. We see Marty in his cockpit look to his left, the glass is slowly breaking. Tense music is playing in the background

The anti-air keeps on raining but they miss every shot.

"205 to flight. Commencing flak suppression now." Tom says until suddenly a plane passes by as it tries to shoot down Tom's plane.

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