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Kiara's pov:

They said turn your pain into power. And now I'm here a self made billionaire. I know money can't buy happiness and all that shits but you know what money can buy me a jaguar.  And I'd cry in a jaguar rather than finding happiness in someone who'll probably break my already broken heart. It was not easy to get success in this business world, not when the whole world is filled with misogynist bastards who believe that womens are only made to sit still and look pretty. I've worked hard with sleepless nights, fighting with so many people to get where I'm. Now I have everything the younger me had dreamed about having except peace, love and happiness. I thought if I turned my pain into hard work it'll go away but it never did. And that's the thing about pain: it demands to be felt, not forgotten. And as crazy as it sounds, I craved that pain. That was a reminder for my old, naive self that the world is not full of sunshines it has darkness and thunderstorms too.

"Ms.Singhania, you look beautiful. " The sound of Shanaya Oberoi, my new business partner, snapped me into reality where I'm attending a launching party thrown by her for the opening of her new clothing brand.

Shanaya Oberoi, one of the famous fashion designers in the whole New York city. Her designed dresses have a record to be sold in less than 5 minutes. She opened her own clothing brand named Shravs recently, which is getting a lot of attention nowadays. And obviously, I am not dumb to ignore her when she came to me with a mutual partnership for her upcoming launch. Not only because of the profits, but also because I know it's not easy to survive in this business world when you are a girl with no contacts. They all will try to sabotage you, blackmail you, manipulate you. I've been there and I don't want anyone to go through it.

"Thank you Ms.Oberoi. You also look great. I assume this dress is definitely designed by you." I said with a professional smile.
She is wearing a white crop top paired with white blazer and trousers while I'm wearing a black evening gown which has a slit till my thighs. I tried to keep it minimal because I hate getting unnecessary attention.
"Thank you Ms.Singhania. Yes, it is designed by me. You enjoy the party. I think I need to go there" she said smiling.
"Sure, you can go ahead. "
I hate attending parties honestly. If it was up to me I would have stayed in my room locked with my books forever. But what can we do now? Who likes to fake smiles and gossip when you can read about your favourite character's life? I hat-

"Look who is here?"
A familiar voice from my back snapped me out of my thoughts.
I know who this voice belongs to.

REYANSH KAPOOR: the bane of my existence. My business rival, my enemy who hates me the same way I hate him, who never leaves a chance to troll me. An absolute unwanted person in my life.

"What a surprise, Kapoor. I never thought of you as a human who loves attending parties where you've no profits. Well, thinking of you as a human was also a great shock though." I said while turning back and giving him a tight lipped smile.

Take that you, asshole for disturbing my peacefulness.

"Well, who said I've no profits. Just because you got that deal with Shravs by using a woman card. Don't get cocky. I'll make sure this partnership never works. Soon they will realise that I'm the best option they could ever have, not you. Till then you can enjoy yourself. "

This bastard.

"So sorry to break your little imagination Mr.Kapoor, it'll never happen. And you are better than me. Huh? Never." I said while laughing bitterly.

"Let's see, my wicked enchantress. " he said while leaning toward me and looking into my eyes.
Here, this nickname I hate. Stupid, idiot, handsome homo sapien.

"Sure, my devil."

I hate him so damn much.

Hey readers..
I am Aarushii(your dear author 😉)
I know this chapter is a bit boring and short but trust me it'll go more interesting ahead. Just trust me and give it a chance.
Thank you for reading.
Love you.

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