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Liujiaqiao Village is a large village in Linchuan, with a total of more than 40 households. The name of the village comes from the "Six Families". During the troubled times, people with six major surnames moved here to open up wasteland and did not name the village. However, in this river where there are many settlements, there is only one single-plank bridge, making it very inconvenient for people to travel and the village lags behind. .

 Later, members of the six families gathered together to pool money to build bridges, and a total of six bridges were built in the village, named after the surnames of the six families. After the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, the government came to set up a household registration for the village, so they named the village "Liujiaqiao".

 Although Liujiaqiao Village is not a village with rich cultural heritage, after the establishment of the Qin Dynasty, in order to appease the refugees, the wasteland here was used as a place to distribute farmland. Therefore, there are many outsiders, and it has grown to have 42 households.

 As one of the six major surnames in the village, the Xia family naturally has a large number of members, and Old Xia's family, which has been reluctant to split up, is even more important in the village.

 The Xia family has five tile-roofed houses and three thatched houses. The tiled houses are a bit old and look a bit old, while the thatched houses are distributed near the tiled houses. Between these houses is a large open space with some livestock. Chickens, ducks, and a small vegetable patch.

 Although it doesn't look as good as Zhang He's mansion from the outside, the area is definitely larger than her second courtyard.

 When Zhang He arrived at the Xia family, all the men in the Xia family were working in the fields, and only an old man was enjoying the shade under a locust tree in front of the door. The old man's temples have turned white, his hair is a little sparse, and age spots and wrinkles have appeared on his face and hands, which shows that he is indeed getting older.

 He was lying on an old rattan rocking chair, closing his eyes and not knowing whether he was asleep or awake. When Mrs. Xia Cui saw him, she called out: "My father-in-law."

 The old man's nostrils snorted "Hmm". It was obvious that he was not asleep, but he also recognized whose voice it was and ignored it arrogantly.

 Mrs. Xia Cui seemed to be used to it, but Xia Jiniang also called out: "Aweng." The old man opened his eyes and said calmly, "Did you know that you are back?

 " The granddaughter is the first in the generation, so everyone in the Xia family calls her "aunt".

 Zhang He frowned at Old Man Xia's unkind tone, and Xia Jiniang was used to it. He was a bit harsh on his eldest son, so he was naturally dissatisfied with her going to Aunt Li's house instead of staying at home. When Xia Jiniang came back, he naturally wanted to show his majesty as a parent.

 When Old Man Xia opened his eyes, he noticed Zhang He following Xia Cui and his daughter. The majestic black bull caught his attention. After another cursory look at Zhang He, he couldn't see anything special about her, except that he thought she was more delicate than ordinary men.

 "This is the man who sent the aunt back. He came here to ask for a bowl of water." Mrs. Xia Cui introduced Zhang He.

 "Hello, old man, my name is Zhang He, from Qinghe Village." Zhang He stepped forward nervously. After all, the other person was Xia Jiniang's grandfather, and in front of her was an old man. Even if she didn't like his attitude towards Xia Jiniang, she would still be polite when facing an old man.

 Old Man Xia frowned. Zhang He sent Xia Jiniang back. They were similar in age. If someone deliberately took advantage of her, Xia Jiniang's innocence would be ruined. Although the Xia family is now in decline, he still cares about etiquette in this area. But he still nodded: "In that case, everyone, Xia, go and bring him a bowl of water!" Both the

 Xia Cui mother and daughter and Zhang He heard what Mr. Zhang He went in. Xia Cui hesitated to speak, then glanced at Zhang He indifferently, turned around and went in to pour water.

 Zhang He stood awkwardly for a while, then Xia Cui brought out the water. Zhang He drank the bowl in one breath and returned the bowl to her. Xia Jiniang knew that Zhang He was about to leave, but she never thought that she would suddenly go around behind the bullock cart and wait for a while to bring down a basket of eggplants and a pound of tea she bought at the country market.

 "Aunt Li asked me to bring this to Mrs. Xia's parents." Zhang He handed the things to Xia Cui with a bright smile that made no one doubt the authenticity of her words.

 Mrs. Xia Cui seemed to believe it and said in surprise: "Why did she send these here?"

 When Old Man Xia saw the catty of tea leaves, his eyes flashed, but he said nothing. Xia Jiniang naturally knew that Zhang He was lying. Not to mention whether the eggplant was sent to her by Aunt Li, she knew the origin of the tea.

 "Brother Qingshi is getting married, which is a happy event, so I can use my mouth to tell you!" Zhang He lied without making any drafts, so that Xia Cui had no doubts about him.

 "Qingshi is getting married, what a happy event!" said Xia Cui happily.

 As they were talking, two small figures appeared in a tile-roofed house in the north. A girl about five years old and a three-year-old boy with a bare butt ran out across the high threshold and ran towards Xia Xia. Ji Niang called: "Aunt, aunt is back!"

 When Xia Jiniang saw the two little guys, a smile finally appeared on her face. After the two little guys hugged her legs, she bent down and touched their heads and said: "Xiaoya, Jin'er, aunt is back."

 "Auntie is willing to come back. Xiaoya misses you so much!" Xia Ya said coquettishly.

 "Auntie misses you too." Xia Jiniang's smile was gentle and doting, which stunned Zhang He. She thought that Xia Jiniang must like children very much, and if she got married, she would have children sooner or later.

 As if unable to see this harmonious scene, a discordant voice sounded in front of a tile-roofed house in the northwest: "Hey, I'm so willing to come back. I thought you forgot that you still have work to do at home! "

 Xia Cui's face suddenly darkened. Xia Jiniang stopped her smile, raised her head and shouted to the woman: "Second Aunt." "Now that you are back, what are you doing standing outside the door? Why don't you come over and help with the weaving?"

 Aunt Xia didn't take into account Xia Cui's presence at all and couldn't help but urge Xia Jiniang to help with the work.

 "Auntie has just come back, let her rest for a while," said Xia Cui.

 Old Man Xia coughed and his voice was a bit majestic: "We have a guest at home, be careful what you say and don't make others laugh!"

 Aunt Xia took two steps and saw the figure blocked by trees and earthen walls. Looking over Zhang He's body, the calculating look made Zhang He feel uneasy.

 "This is-" Aunt Xia had many guesses in her mind.

 "Come in and talk!" Old Xia stood up and waved to Xia Jin, "Come in, come to great-grandfather."

 Xia Jin leaned towards him and helped him walk into the house. Xia Cui and Xia Jiniang breathed a sigh of relief and said to Zhang He, "Come in and sit for a while!" Zhang

 He nodded, thinking that if she hadn't given Xia Cui a basket of eggplants and a pound of tea, she might not have been able to get in. !

 Only Xia Cui believed Zhang He's words. Her cart of eggplants was noticed by Old Man Xia. Those eggplants were clearly for other purposes, so how could Aunt Li specifically ask her to send them over? And if Aunt Li really wanted to give something away, how could she ask her to give it instead of Xia Jiniang?

 Xia Jiniang's luggage was all in the bamboo basket she was carrying. She had never mentioned tea in such a long time since she came back. The most important point is that even if Li Qingshi is getting married, the wedding gifts should be sent by Li Qingshi, so how can Zhang He send them!

 Old Man Xia was always as clear-minded as a mirror. He guessed that Zhang He and Xia Jiniang were not in a smooth relationship. What was Zhang He's purpose? He would find out later if he tested it out. ! Remembering that his eldest son always complained that he didn't consider his granddaughter's marriage, he took this opportunity to show them that he was not heartless!

 When you look closer, you can see that the big tiled house in the north is the main house, with a hall in the middle and rooms on the left and right. Zhang He guessed that the two rooms on the left and right must be the rooms of Mr. Xia and Mr. Xia. Sure enough, after Mrs. Xia Cui put down the eggplant and tea leaves, she went into the room on the left.

 The remaining four tile-roofed houses, including the one where Xia Jiniang's nieces and nephews came out, should be the residences of Xia Er, Xia San and Xia Jiniang's brother. Xia Jiniang's room was a thatched hut, and when she put her bags away and went back, Zhang He had already seen it.

 Although most homes were thatched houses, Zhang He still felt a little sorry for Xia Jiniang. She suddenly had the idea that she hoped Xia Jiniang would follow her and live at her place!

 "Are you from Qinghe Village?" Old Man Xia asked, staring at Zhang He with his shrewd eyes.

 "Well, I was originally from Zhangjiazhuang. After the family was separated, I settled in Qinghe Village and became a native of Qinghe Village." Zhang He said, there are several ways to divide a family. One is to divide the family without leaving home, which is to divide the property but still live in the village. Together; one is to separate from the household post and establish a separate household post, and the property will naturally be divided.

 Under normal circumstances, the first method is used to divide a large family, but Zhang He thought that her eldest brother must hate her very much and want to drive her out completely, so he adopted the second method.

 But even in the second classification, her father is still Zhang Tingyu, and she is still a member of the Zhang clan.

 "So, your parents are gone?" Old Man Xia asked again.

 Zhang He opened his mouth, but she still couldn't figure out whether the wife was her mother or the biological mother who was considered the legal mother. Xia Jiniang learned about Zhang He's life experience from Aunt Li. She thought that Zhang He felt embarrassed about his identity so he didn't know how to answer, so she said, "Ah, why are you asking him these things?" Xia Laoweng thought to himself

 . "Isn't it all because of you?!"

 Zhang He was afraid that the grandfather and grandson would be unhappy again, so he said, "My mother is still alive, and my eldest brother is serving her."

 When old man Xia was young, his family began to decline. So he smelled the answer from Zhang He's words and stopped pursuing the truth. On the contrary, Xia Cui heard something, and her mind became active, and she asked about Zhang He's family background.

 Xia Jiniang gave Zhang He an apologetic look, and Zhang He smiled casually.

 After listening to it for so long, Aunt Xia had a vague idea of ​​what Mr. Xia was thinking. She slipped out and found Xia San's wife, Ma. Mr. Ma was weaving in the room. When he saw her coming back, he said, "Didn't you say that the aunt is back? Why didn't she come to help?" "Yes, but a young man sent her back." Aunt Xia

 Er The yin and yang strange air said.

 Aunt Xia stopped what she was doing and looked at her in surprise: "Why, is this going to be a life-long decision?" "I can't tell!

 When he came, he gave a basket of purple melons and a pound of tea. Neither are you. I don't know that my father-in-law has always been greedy for tea. He kept half a jin of tea to himself and was reluctant to drink it. Now that someone else gave him a catty, he was very surprised! If the aunt hadn't told the young man about his preferences, how could he have given it to him? So much tea?"

 Aunt Xia thought for a while and then asked: "Then can you find out who he is?" "I

 can't find out anything. I only know that my father died and the family was divided. His mother was raised by his brother. Stay." Aunt Xia said.

 "Then let's see if he is rich!" Aunt Xia was a little anxious.

 "I can't tell. Besides, if he was rich, he wouldn't drive an ox cart here. He wouldn't even have a servant to call him!" Aunt Xia didn't care.

 Aunt Xia was slightly disappointed and said: "Then why are you telling me all this?"

 Aunt Xia said angrily: "Hey, why are you so confused? Think about the elder who stays in the house all day long. The housebound nerd, look at his homeless Erlang; and think about my family's Sanlang and Silang, your Erniang, Wulang, and Liulang. Over the years, their eldest brother has never gone to the ground. Are the children from both our families helping? The eldest son wants to study and take the top exam, so why do our children have to work in the fields?" "

 I know, but this is not a matter of one or two days!" Xia San Auntie said.

 "So if the aunt gets married, how much dowry will we get! My Sanlang and Silang haven't said marriage yet. If she gets married and prepare a dowry for her, what will happen to my Sanlang and Silang?" Aunt Xia also

 said Very nervous: "Then what do you think I should do?"

 The author has something to say: Don't worry, they haven't discovered their feelings yet, and they won't get married so soon_(:з」∠)_Thank you

 Huanliu Throw 2! ! Bazooka (capital) quack.

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