"What nonsense? I will not at all agree. What will I do? Don't expect me to become a typical housewife. A big no." She declared without letting Yudhishthir complete his sentence.

"Can you please shut up? Let me complete my words." He was getting annoyed because her cutting him in between. Ruhi pouted and started tying her long black hair with a rubber band.

"I want you to go to college and study rather than sitting home and poke your nose in my life." He mocked her.

"I am not at all interested in your life and you." Ruhi stated and poked her tongue out at him. His words affected her but she didn't want to give him any kind of satisfaction. She had practised meditation to have control of herself and stay positive.

"Good, and yeah,I will support you in this. Just say to dadu that you want to study further and complete your studies and I will handle rest." He said and stood up and walked towards his closet. He turned back and looked at Ruhi, who was lost in her dreamland.

"And about bed sharing. Its comfortable for two people, we both can adjust." Yudhishthir said making her nod.

He went inside the closet and Ruhi quickly stood up and walked behind him slowly. Her fingers crossed.

She slowly opened the door and entered inside and took a breath of relief , when she didn't found him there. He was in washroom.

She tiptoed and went towards the left end of the closet and pulled out her Snuggles , her huge soft toy teddy bear and dragged it back inside the room. Praying all time to God to not let Yudhishthir come out of washroom or create any awkward situation for them.

Ruhi's love for soft toys knew no bounds. Writing her daily journal , cooking , gardening along with making new designs for her label and snuggling with her Snuggles at night was part of her daily life.

She made snuggles lay on the middle of the bed and pulled the comforter on him and she quickly laid on the left side of the bed and snuggled with her Snuggles. Hoping Yudhishthir won't react.

After chanding and getting fresh, Yudhishthir came inside room and was about to switch of the lights when his eyes travelled towards bed and his eyes widened in surprise.

Who was sleeping in middle?

He walked towards the bed and in a swift motion he pulled the comforter away.

Ruhi hid her face inside Snuggles's chest and kept on chanting a mantra to keep Yudhishthir away from her in her mind.
He crossed his arms and tried to gain her attention.

But she had closed her eyes tightly and pretended to sleep. Trying her acting skills.

"I know you are pretending to sleep. Stop acting and keep this thing on couch and let me sleep peacefully." He said making her hold her Snuggles tight.

No one dared to call her Snuggles even teddy and he called him a thing.

How dare he?

She took deep breaths to keep herself calm. Yudhishthir stood near bed noticing her every activity. He then bent down and tried to pull Snuggles out of her hold but she hugged him tight.

He again tried to but she didn't let him.

"Keep this thing away from my bed." Yudhishthir grit out.

Ruhi sat on the bed in shot and glared at Yudhishthir.

"Don't you call my baby a thing." She warned him and Yudhishthir just smirked.

"I will call it a thing. Now throw it away." He again tried to pull it out of her hold.

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