Chapter 2

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The Next Day:

Ruby woke up as she went to go get some water for her journey. *I hope that Weiss, Blake, and my sister Yang are ok. No I can't think about that right now. Hmmm what was that?* Ruby thought to herself.

"H-Hello is anyone there? I have a scythe and I'm not afraid to use it. Oh I forgot I left it back at the  tent. I have no choice but to run for it. Hold on what's that? Ruby asked

Ruby did't stop running as she saw a rabbit hop by. 

"Phew it was just a bunny rabbit. Wait why am I scared when I have a job to do? 

Go find Cinder of course." Ruby said to herself.

Ruby was finally inside her tent out of breath. She went to go get dressed. *There we go now I can go find Cinder.* Ruby thought

Ruby left the tent as she looked around. "Hmmm which way should I go to find her though? I better go check my map Mercury and Emerald gave me first." Ruby said

 Ruby took out her scroll. "According to this map she should be right around here but I can't find her anywhere. Is this even the right way? What am I doing again? Is this all a lie? Why did I even listen to those two? Great now I'm lost and hungry." Ruby said to no one.

Ruby heard a sound behind her as she turned around scythe at the ready. Then a huge ball of fire came her way almost hitting her head. 

"Hey who did that?" Ruby asked

"Shouldn't you learn how to dodge when an attack is coming your way?

Haha some huntress you are." Cinder said with a smirk on her face.

Ruby knew that voice from anywhere.

"C-Cinder was that fireball from you?" Ruby asked

"That's right Ruby so you better get ready to face me or run away like the coward you really are." Cinder said

"It's one thing to call me a child, but a coward is going too far don't you think?" Ruby asked

"No not at all Ruby. Now what are you going to do?" Cinder asked

"Nothing. I didn't come here to fight you Cinder." Ruby replied

"Then why are you here Ruby?" Cinder asked

"I came here to save you Cinder." Ruby replied

"Is this some sort of joke because it's not funny." Cinder said

"No Cinder it's the truth." Ruby said

"I don't believe you." Cinder said

"You don't have  to Cinder." Ruby said

"Either way prepare for what's coming your way Ruby!" Cinder yelled

"Wait hold on Cinder." Ruby said

"What is it Ruby?" Cinder asked

"Why are you doing this?" Ruby asked

"What do you mean Ruby?" Cinder asked

"I mean obviously you have a reason to get revenge on me right." Ruby replied

"T-That's none of your business Ruby." Cinder said

"I'm beginning to think it is now Cinder." Ruby said

"I don't have time for this just do as I say or pay the price." Cinder said

"Both Mercury and Emerald told me what's really going on with you that's why 

I decided to come save you." Ruby said

"I don't need to be saved not even by someone like you Ruby." Cinder said

"Why not Cinder?" Ruby asked

"Because I said so. Plus after everything I've done there is no point in saving me." Cinder said and whispered that last part to herself.

"Suit yourself Cinder. Anyway this whole thing was a huge waste of my time. I'm heading back to Beacon now. Goodbye Cinder." Ruby said as she was starting to leave.

"Is that so Ruby?" Cinder asked

"Yes it's the truth. I'm leaving right now." Ruby said

"F-Fine Ruby I'll let you play the hero until my time is finally up." Cinder said

"What's that supposed to mean, Cinder?" Ruby asked

Nothing Ruby. So are we going or not?" Cinder asked

"Yeah we are but first I have to go get ready." Ruby said

"How long is that going to take?" Cinder asked

"A few minutes give or take." Ruby replied

"Great so I came all this way just for you to pack your things up." Cinder said

"Well this was a mission after all so there's nothing wrong with being prepared." Ruby said

"No it wasn't Ruby you just fell for the trap. How pathetic can you really be Ruby?" Cinder asked

"Is that how you really feel about this whole thing Cinder?" Ruby asked 

"As a matter of fact I do Ruby." Cinder said

"Ok Cinder that's all I had to hear." Ruby said

"Well I suppose I'll have to sit here and wait for you to get ready to go." Cinder said

"You don't have to do that Cinder." Ruby said

"Wait I hear something." Cinder said

"What is it Cinder?" Ruby asked

"Run Ruby Run away now! I'll stay here and take care of this on my own." Cinder said

"Be my guest Cinder." Ruby said as she headed back to her tent.

Ruby ran back to her tent as she started packing everything up. 

*Who was it that Cinder saw? Was it my friends and my sister Yang 

or someone else entirely? Wait it can't be is it Oscar?* Ruby thought 

"I better hurry back to see of Cinder needs any help." Ruby said to herself.

As Ruby tried to put her tent away she could hear a battle going on.

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