chapter 1

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Y/n awakens, it is a new day in his realm.

He sighs as he knows that today he will have to listen to his advisors debate income.

He wastes little time and gets ready. He walks to his throne room. He sees the captain of the guard Maeve.  She stands as vigilant as always next to the throne.

Maeve: King.

Y/n: Good morning, Maeve.

Maeve: Shall I tell general Alonso and the others that you are ready to speak with them?

Y/n: Of course.

Maeve nods and leaves. Y/n goes and sits on his throne. As he sits he readies himself for the talks ahead.

As expected general Alonso enters first. The tall and robust general walks in with his two axes attached to his sides.

The next to enter is the kingdom's treasurer, Atticus.  His wears lavish looking clothes but is almost as big as the general.

The next to arrive is the prime minister, Amana. He is smaller than the others, and dresses normal in comparison.

The final to join is the high mage, Muhariba.  Wearing a cloak like any mage of his kind.

Y/n: Alright, where do we start?

Atticus: The obvious, of course. The realm is destitute. Your parents were not wise with money, my king.

Y/n: I do not need to be reminded, I need solutions!

Alonso: Allow me to offer a solution. We have a grand army at our beck and call! Let us use it to plunder other realms. Like Edenia! Or if we are desperate enough, Outworld.

Amana: Perhaps instead, might I suggest we open up trade instead? After all we have many strong metals that others have no access to.

Alonso: And watch our enemies learn our secrets? That will only give them a way to find a weakness in the metals we use. Or use it for themselves against us.

Atticus: Well then we could also raise taxes to get ourselves out of debt.

Muhariba: I do hope you mean against the rich?

Atticus: That would be for the king to decide, not me.

Muhariba: We should instead focus on outsourcing our troops as mercenaries. Many realms are not united and would benefit from our might.

Alonso: Until we start killing each other on the battlefield! I will not slaughter my own men for profit!

Y/n: I understand that all of you have your opinions on the endeavor. And I do appreciate the input from all of you. Is there anything you'd like to discuss.

Alonso: May I speak freely?

Y/n: Yes.

Alonso: Your parents allowed this kingdom to fall, you know what will happen if you do the same. There are already talks of rebellion. 

Y/n: I am aware. Hopefully my next actions will prove that I am better than them.

Atticus: We all hope so.

Time for the first choice. Choose the plan.

Alonso's plan, plunder a realm for wealth. However diplomatic realtions with the chosen realm will decrease. Evil alignment.

Amana's plan. Boost to diplomatic realtions and trade. But will cause a risk in your army being inferior in the future. Good alignment.

Atticus's plan. Raise taxes on either the rich or poor. However this could incite a rebellion from either class. Good or evil alignment.

Alonso's plan. Outsource the soldiers as mercenaries for other realms. Will bot cause diplomatic issues but the soldiers might become displeased if they have to fight their own people in battle.

The alignments will shape what realms will like or hate you. And how your realm will view you.

Current alignments

Good: 0

Evil: 0

Neutral: 0

Your choices will change this throughout the story. You and your peers will shape their story.

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