Phantom Menace; Rescue and escape from Naboo

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Brielle's P.O.V:

"This way." I whispered, quietly having the force guide me to where to queen in, while Uncle, big brother, and Jar Jar are following.

We kept moving, till we finally found her, being taken by droids to who knows where. "There she is." I whispered, now also seeing TC next to the queen.

As we were sneaking, now above a balcony hallway where they are. TC must've noticed us, as she looks above, and nods. I nod back with a smile.

Then we all jumped down to fight the battle droid, Though Jar Jar accidently tripped and was now hanging on the balcony rails. "Your majesty, get down!" TC shouted in urgency, as she quickly steals a blaster from a battle droid and blasted it.

Her majesty quickly ducks with her servants and soldiers, As we fought the battle droids, easily defeating them, As Jar Jar now fall down on the ground. TC blasted the last one, and sighs in relief. Now giving the blaster to the commander, "Thank you." He thanked with a nod.

"You've turned against your master?" The queen asked my new droid friend, "Yes, Your majesty. I couldn't bare the thought of what chaos he would've brought to this beautiful world, and all it's many people and creatures. So I had to help the Jedi in anyway I can for you, your highness." TC explains with a caring tone.

"Quickly, Your majesty. We should leave the streets and hide." I urge her, as we go. as the soldiers take the destroyed battle droids' blasters. "Come, Jar Jar." I called, as he now catches up with us. As we are now at an alley way.

"We are ambassadors for the Supreme Chancellor." Uncle Qui-gon introduced, as I stand beside him and bow in respect to the queen. "Your negotiations seem to have failed, ambassador." Governor Sio Bibble replied.

"The negotiations were never made, Governor. My "Master" is working with a Sith Lord for his greed." TC explains, earning shocked faces from her majesty and her group.

"Is this truly the case?" She asks in disbelief, "I'm afraid so, Your majesty. We must hurry to the main hangar for your safe escape. This way." TC says, guiding us as we follow.

"You were very brave out there, TC. I'm happy for you." I smiled, proud of the accomplishments she's done for us. "Thank you, my lady." She nodded as we continued, "Please, There's no need to continue calling me that. We're friends now. You can call me by my name, Brielle." I assure her, as I introduce myself.

"As you wish, M- I mean, Brielle. It is a beautiful name." She complimented. I smiled in thanks, as we now enter the Hangar, but hide in the entrance, see battle droids in there. "There are too many of them." Commander Typho says from behind me as I peak from the entrance.

"They've also got pilots in there. But for what reason?" I added, confused. "Your highness, under the circumstances, I suggest you come to Coruscant with us." Uncle said to her majesty.

"Thank you, Ambassador. But my place is with my people" She declined lightly. "They would kill you if you stay." Uncle said. "No. They wouldn't dare. They need her to sign a treaty to make this invasion legal. And whoever this 'Darth Sidious' is to conquer it." I pipe in.

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