{4} Are You Hiding Something From Us?

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(This story hasnt been revised so errors maybe common!)
-2876 words

Possible triggers!! Slight abuse and name calling such as Fag and Faggot, along with other ones like freak and etc. Verbal abuse as well, and of course homophobia! If any of these trigger you, I advise you to skip this chapter!!

Jisungs POV

I was walking home from school, the day was really long. School was tough but that's okay, some days you get a bad day some days you get a good one. Sometimes its just mediocre. Today was one of those mediocre days. But one small thing that was kinda nice but weird at the same time, was that one of my friends gave me a cookie for giving them my test answers. It was only the answer to one question out of 20 though so I mean, you know. That was the only thing even slightly eventful. Otherwise I just hung out with my small friend group. Regardless of all that, the weather is sunny and slightly cloudy. It's not too hot nor is it too cold, it's quite warm actually. I was excited to finally go home after such a long day.

"Jisung, my baby!! Oh how your cheeks are so cute like a little chipmunk!!!" My mother says as she comes over to me once I enter the house. She squished my cheeks for a little then brought me into a hug "how was school dear?" She asks once she lets go and guides me to the kitchen. Which I quickly follow along with a smile "nothing too crazy, you know how it is!" She smiles "I don't know how it is though, I wasn't there." She jokes which makes me smile a little more "true true, but you get the idea!!" I remark which makes her chuckle and nod. "Would you like a snack? Dinner might be an hour or two  behind because your father has to work late!" My smile goes back to being a smaller one "father always works late anymore, his boss should go a little easier on him!" My mother sighs before responding . "I know dear but we can't control that aspect. I mean your father doesn't seem to mind it too much!" She tries to reason with me but I couldn't help but want to spend more time with my father. Once he gets home all he wants to do is watch TV and go to bed, just to wake up early and go to work and repeat. It's only been a few months like this and I already miss our long conversations that we would have once he finished work.

My mother sees my saddened expression and comes over to me and places her hand on my shoulder. "Maybe during dinner we can talk about having your dad call in sick tomorrow, that way we can all rest and have a family night. How does that sound?" I make eye contact with my mother and my eyes seem to shine "really?" She smiles and nods. I get more eager for dinner to come around. "Can I take you up on that snack?" I ask out of nowhere, making my mother laugh "what would you like then?"

I was sitting in my room contemplating on what to do. I was laying in my bed. My room had lots of music scattered everywhere from albums to cds to records to posters and more. I even had crumbled and non crumbled pieces of paper with songs I had written on them. I had two online friends, CB97 and SPEARB we have never met, we have never seen each other's appearances. All we know is each other's singing and rapping voice, the other two so they had to hide their identity online but never said why. We promised we will all meet one day. And finally learn more about one another but not necessarily soon though. But maybe I could talk to them in the meantime, I have got a great music idea but I need help making a good beat. So maybe I should contact CB97 he makes beats quite often as far as I know. I had picked up my phone and I didn't even have to scroll through my contacts as he was the first one to pop up so I quickly text him

J.One: CB!!!! I need help making a beat for my new song, can you help me 🥺

Daddy CB💋: of course I can help you bud, but do me a favor.

J.One: What is it!!

Daddy CB💋: Change my name 😒

J.One: No can do 😌💗

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