"Well I was born in Richmond,Virginia.My childhood was rocky.I don't know my family just went through alot when I was growing up.I lived in Richmond until I was about 9 or 10 when my grandfather passed away we moved to Petersburg and that's when I met Trey.We had a few classes together in middle school.Anyway we dated through highschool and we really bonded the most over music.We would skip class to go to the music room and sing together.But my childhood got cut short when I got pregnant at 17 and was the laughing stock of the school because Trey had gone on to pursue his music career.Anyway yeah enough about me.What about you Mr."Fizz"."

He chuckled.

"I don't want to talk about me.It's all about you.What is your ethnicity?"He asked

"My mom is Dominican and my dad is black.What are you?"I asked him

"Creole."He said

"You from Louisiana?"I asked

"Yeah born and raised for the most part."He said

I nodded."So your family lives there or they live here?"

"I moved my close family here with me my sister and mom but the rest of them are still back home."He said

"I want to bring my family out here but my abuela is deeply rooted in her house.She's lived in the same house for 40 years.I don't think she would move."I said

"My mom didn't really want to.I wanted to get her out if the bad neighborhood so I used the excuse that she needed to be closer to Kameron."He said

I smiled then looked up and saw the boat had already made it back to the dock.

"It's over already?"I whined

He smiled."C'mon."

He grabbed my hand and helped me out.We made it back to the car and he opened my door and then went to his side and got in.

He looked at me.

"Did you have a good time?"He asked

"Yes.Thank you.I haven't been on a date in years.It was perfect."I said

"Years?Weren't you with Trey?"He asked

"He never took me out on a date."I said looking out the window

"Damn all that money and a nigga can't take you to dinner?"He said

"That's why I appreciate you.Alot of guys wouldn't take the time and effort to do anything for me."I said

"I couldn't imagine why.I would give you the world.You rarely find good women these days."He said

"I could say the same about men."I mumbled looking at the road

He looked at me."You okay?"

"Yeah im good."I slightly smiled

He grabbed my hand and rubbed his thumb across it.

"Can I ask you something?"I said

He looked at me."What's up?"

"Do you think we could be together?My past relationships have both failed and I kinda feel like it was my fault."I said

"Why do you feel like that is the question."He said

"Well my boyfriend after Trey took care of me and Xavier and we lived together but sometimes he would put his hands on me.I told Trey he didn't do it much but it was.If I didn't clean the house or cook his dinner the way he wanted I would get slapped.If he saw me talking to another guy I was definitely getting beaten with a belt and they way I lost my child was I spent a night at Trey's house.He punched and kicked and threw my body all around the house."Druex looked at me as I wiped a few tears

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