007 scooter's room

Start from the beginning

"So, what's the plan?" JJ speaks up.

John B fishes our latest discovery from his pocket, waving the key around as he says, "I think I know how we're gonna find the guy who owns that boat."

Ever the voice of reason, Pope is quick to object. "No, we don't know whose room that is. It could belong to anyone."

"He's right." I nod my head, feigning agreement, but really, I'm just teasing him. "Could be Pablo Escobar or some shit." Pope doesn't find this funny. He narrows his eyes at my nonsensical comment and breathes out a phony, sarcastic laugh.

"Pablo? I'm in." JJ snatches the key from John B's hand and tosses it over to me, and I hand it off to Kiara because honestly, that shit is so filthy it freaks me out.

"Come on." Kiara dangles the key in Pope's face as she speaks, "We'll be lookout." She spins on her heel and follows along after JJ who's already headed back to the boat.

Pope doesn't budge, still unconvinced of this so-called plan. I'll be honest, it's not much of a plan at all, and it's a bad one at that.

John B brushes past the boy, patting his palm against his chest as he walks by. "Finder's fee. Just sayin'. And, hey, at least you'll only be an accomplice."

Being the only two left standing in place, I lock eyes with Pope, giving him a light nudge on the shoulder. "You know what, P? Maybe we'll find a body."

That should do the trick.

I can visibly see his resolve soften at the idea, his knees buckling slightly as he throws his head back with an irritated groan. He's giving in.

I can't blame him for his uncertainty about the whole situation. I'm having some second thoughts of my own. What if someone's in the room? What if we get caught and arrested for trespassing? But the what-ifs apparently don't matter, because those other three idiots are going to do it anyway.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

Linking arms with Pope, I give him no other choice but to join me in acquiescence as I drag him along behind the rest of our friends. "C'mon, bubba."


━━❪ ❀ ・━━

Turns out I was right to be wary of the state of the motel based off the key we found. The keychain is dingy, but not nearly as dingy as the building it belongs to.

We all stare straight ahead in horror and disgust as we approach the site aboard the HMS Pogue. There are tarps covering holes in the roof, the tall sign that would normally let you know you've arrived is fallen in the grass, and trash is littered around the property and along the edge of the bank.


I try to remind myself that a hurricane just rolled through, but something's telling me that this place didn't look too different even before Agatha paid a visit. The white brick walls – at least I think they're supposed to be white – are stained a light shade of yellow, and the grass and shrubbery are wildly overgrown. That doesn't just happen overnight.

JJ blows out a low whistle as he prepares the bowline. "I thought the Chateau looked bad."

"This place is a shit show," John B adds with a subtle nod.

Kiara glances between Pope and I, her face scrunched up in distaste. "Motel or meth lab?"

"You be the judge," Pope jokes.

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