28th September 2023

11 0 0

Dear Diary.

update on the Lea situation...I acutally am quite confused hha.

I told her what xavier said and she told me to fuck off (once again)

also I couldn't find her today, so I was unable to tell her I want nothing to do with her anymore

Me- im only saying what you asked to hear

Lea- well he's my mate??? kind of

Me- hm sure.


Me- hun i don't find you near enough interesting to be spending all my lesson time staring at you for no reason.

I sent that part to xavier this morning, he said 'omg vee bro ahah' (dry ass texter tf)

Lea continued to chat with me later today, and I don't really understand it heh.

Lea- he was talking to me today and had a laugh

Me- that's nice (I don't know what xavier is thinking about the whole Lea situation so im assuming he's tried to forget it or something. ngl I feel bad for his girlfriend )

Lea- Yea so ur gay (wtf lmfaoooo)

Lea (voice message)- *inaudible*

Me- "yea so i'm gay?" whats that supposed to mean 💀

Me- (referring to voice message)- I understood none of that.

she left me on read here but she was actually online like 5 minutes ago.

not gonna lie I have a bad gut feeling that somewhere im being laughed at behind a screen by everyone who's seen my chat with Lea. I know it sounds crazy but if xavier is talking to Lea then I think they both might be talking shit about me. I don't know though. I barely know xavier, he's like the popular guy in our school and he walks like a rich entitled snob (not saying he is I just mean he's over confident lmfao)

I haven't spoken to xavier at all since I updated him with the chat this morning. I haven't asked him about what he was talking to Lea about, but she said they had a laugh which (I know its selfish) makes me think they said something about me. I mean we will just have to see I guess.

I know the whole thing is really petty, but a lot of my classmates have seen the chat between me and Lea. and im starting to worry. I have only just started becoming a more likeable and confident person with people outside of my friendgroup, and I don't want people making fun of me or twisting the story, even when I know I didn't do anything wrong (I think). her constantly leaving me on read is putting me seriously on edge, I know she's probably doing it because she has nothing better to say but what do you think?

ill update my diary entry for today when she replies (if she replies)

Anywayyy I handed in my locker payment and the finance lady gave me a key to a locker that already belonged to another kid- but I told her and I actually got to choose which locker I wanted so long as it was free :) thanks finance lady.

I also made really good progress in English today and wrote a fantasy description in the literature lesson we had that im sooo proud of!! I fell asleep in the last literature lesson we had so-

we also have a non uniform day tomorrow but we have to wear something pink in support of a girl in the year below me because she passed away from a brain tumour last year in the winter.

UPDATE ON LEA CHAT: (you might wanna reread the chat at the start)

Me- I understood none of that (referring to inaudible voice message)

Lea- grose eyegeyeyeye (the fuck)

Me- speak English please

and I got left on delivered so that's wonderful. I think she was trying to make fun of my being gay? even tho im not lmfao..she used to date a guy who was trans and part of the lgbt+ community so I don't get why she's making a joke of it 🤡 anyway will update later as she left me on delivered


basically Lea started calling me a bunch of names and making fun of me for being gay (which im not, and kinda backfires on her because of what I said earlier about her now-ex)

anyway she suddenly went offline for like half an hour then HER MOTHER texted me through her phone and said this:

Lea's mother- Vee this is Lea's mother I have just all these messages and I just want to apologise- Lea will not be bothering you anymore and I have and will be dealing with this with Lea and she will not be bothering you anymore! once again im sorry (she's so nice 💔)

Me- oh thank you so much I thought it was about to get serious hah, don't worry it's not your fault mrs x

Lea's mother- no believe me it's being dealt with and I will not have this! she will not be having her phone or bothering you again.

Me- thanks mrs x

and she has been offline since. I have a feeling im going to be confronted by an angry phone-less Lea and her mates tomorrow...but who cares. she's gonna be either hella angry or she'll avoid me to stay out of more trouble..oh well. I have other things to worry about now, like what im going to wear tomorrow.

god bless you and have a great day/night

signing off-

~Vee ☀ 🌙

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