Chapter 10

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'Jeff, I cannot believe that you're poisoning Katy's body with that rubbish!' Ally freaked out, hitting Jeff with her helmet.

'Hey it's not hard core stuff, just a harmless joint,' Jeff massaged his bruised head.

'Katy you should not smoke this stuff, it's harmful,' Ally admonished

'Why?' I demanded, 'You smoke cigarettes!'

'They're legal, I buy them over the counter,' she replied raising her voice.

'It's just cannabis,' I'm mumbled, 'I'm not going to OD on the stuff.'

'Would your mom approve Katy? Would you smoke that rubbish in front of her?' Ally persisted.

'No,' I murmured, 'please don't say anything to her,' I begged, 'and please don't tell ___Rafe either,' I lowered my head.

'Raphael! What's he got to do with this?' Ally demanded

'Well he acts like a mother hen all the time,' I squeaked, 'besides he may tell my step dad, so please keep it quiet,' I pleaded.

'Only if you promise never to touch this rubbish again,' Ally negotiated.

Rafe won't allow me to smoke cigarettes, Ally freaks out about the cannabis, what next? Should I stop breathing oxygen?

'Fine,' I sulked, 'I won't do it anymore.' I saw Jeff scratch his head, and look irritated. He knew I'd keep my word. I hadn't touched a cigarette, since Rafe caught me with one and threw a gasket.

'You don't need this stuff,' Ally tucked her arm into mine. 'It can become addictive,' she cautioned gently. 'I don't want you going off the rails Katy,' she patted her palm over my arm.

'I won't,' I half smiled. I knew she was offering me sound advice. I was just having fun with Jeff. I did not intend to develop a habit. I could give it up any time I wanted to. I was not dependant on the stuff. Off course I could give it up if I wanted to.

'So you coming to the drag race tonight?' Ally grinned, forgetting our cannabis episode.

'Drag race?' I repeated, glancing Jeff's way. He had not mentioned anything.

'You can watch, you won't be able to race,' he added. 'It's only for veterans who've raced for more than three years.'

'Oh,' I pouted disappointedly.

'It's very fast paced, requiring a lot of expertise,' Ally advised, 'but it'd be great if you came along.'

'I take it you're riding?' I accused Jeff.

'Yeah babe,' he supplied guiltily, 'but you don't have to come,' he suggested.

'Why not?' I demanded, the stubborn spirit in me challenging him.

'Like Ally says, it's fast paced,' he repeated. 'I don't want you to see that,' he spoke with finality.

'What he means,' Ally grinned, 'is that he's not so skilled and has had more accidents than he's finished races.'

I raised my eyebrows questioningly, but Jeff did not take the bait.

'So it  is accidents as in the cars get smashed, and __and there might be injuries?   I don't want you drag racing,' I instructed Jeff.

'Satisfied?' Jeff glared at Ally.

'Ooh the government has spoken,' Ally teased Jeff mercilessly.

'We don't have that kind of a relationship__' Jeff started.

'Oh? What kind of relationship do we have?' I demanded, pounding my palms onto my hip, just like mom does when she's angry. The apple clearly did not fall too far from the tree.

My obsession with Rafe Vega : Teen FictionWhere stories live. Discover now