After ten minutes, when she got bored, she decided to play a game on her phone. While she is playing very seriously, she got startled when the door opened with a loud thud. She looked up to see a very intimidating man standing there and looking at her. He looks very professional and handsome so he must be the doctor, she thought.

She stood up and walked towards him but stopped when he took two steps forward in her direction. He kept looking at her from head to toe and that made her a little nervous. She gulped silently before speaking "Dr. William, right?" Instead of saying anything he just watched her silently and that made her anxiety level rise to the top. "Uh.."

The door opened again and came in a man wearing white coat. He looked so scared and nervous. "Mr. Morgan, please be seated." He said as sweat formed in his forehead. She then noticed the batch over his chest pocket and her face became red in embarrassment when she realised that she misunderstood.

She then moved her eyes to the man who was standing in front of her and her face became more red seeing him still staring at her. His bluish grey eyes didn't wavered away from her.

"I - I am sorry." She said and without wasting any time, she walked out of that cabin hurriedly not bothering to ask what she really came for. Because she got enough embarrassment for the day.

When she turned right in the corridor, she knocked and nearly fell her ass down on the floor but held the wall near her for support. Her eyes widened in shock when she came face to face with the same bluish grey eyes and the same face she looked in the cabin. How did he come in front of me? She thought.

"What is your name?" Some deep voice startled her from behind. She backed up and stuck to the wall coming face to face with the two of them. They both looked so much alike. Her lips parted in shock. Are they twins? They looked at her from head to toe like some creep. Asher smirked looking at her expression.

"He asked your name." Alec said demanding her answer. 

"I - E - Elora. Elora Waltz." She stuttered in fear. She doesn't know why she is fearing them. Their voice and intimidating height is alone making her scared of them. She wished that the wall behind her would make her vanish into thin air.

The one she misunderstood as the doctor is standing on her left side and looking at her with a smirk on his face and the one standing on her right side is just looking at her face and body with so much lust in his eyes.

Why is he glaring at me? Is he angry that I bumped into him and didn't say sorry? So many questions ran in her mind.

She licked her dried lips and said nervously "I - I am sorry sir, but I need to go now." She walked past them before they had the chance to ask her something.

But what she does not see is the way their eyes and mind darken.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Alec asked.

"Yes, brother." Asher said.

The end of the flashback.

(AN - This is not their first meeting and you have to keep reading to know that.)

Ps: I edited this part because everyone is commenting, saying it was cringe.


The present (;

Elora walked towards her father as he called her.

"This is my daughter Elora Waltz."

Alec forwarded his hand to her which she shook with hesitation. "It's a pleasure to meet you Lora. I'm Alec Morgan." He said while his eyes roamed on her body. Fuck. She looks ravishing in this dress, he thought.

She froze. She was least bothered by how he pronounced her name wrongly. Right now all she cares about is his voice that made her eyes widened in fear and shock. It was the same voice that traumatized her last night. Is she dreaming again.

Then Asher came forward and shook her hand. "I'm Asher Morgan." At this point she doesn't know how to react or what to respond.

"Let's talk while eating. Please come this way." Her mother said with a sweet smile.

As her parents and brother walked away from there, Asher leaned down closer to her face and said "It's nice to see you again babygirl and you look very sexy today."

A shiver ran down in her body. Nothing is a dream. They are the ones who came to my room last night. They are the ones who sent that red box. So I'm not dreaming anything. She is trembling and didn't know what to do. If she stays with them for another two minutes, she will definitely start crying.

"Fucking sexy, my doll." Alec said huskily in her ear.

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