"My father called earlier, apparently we're having like a family reunion or something tomorrow, and me and my mom need to drive over today already." Jeongin stopped cutting the food at that, freezing in his tracks. "Today already? That's.. soon."

   Not hiding the dissatisfaction on his face, he turned around, looking the brunette in the eyes sadly. "But I get it, family comes first."

   "When are you planning on leaving?" He asked a second later, not bearing the silence. "In a couple of hours... I'm sorry it's on such a short notice. I would've told you earlier but-" "Don't be silly, Hyung. I know you only heard about it today as well, don't worry. Now quit apologising and help me cook so you can eat before you have to go."

What was going to be Jisung rambling, turned into Jeongin giving him a loving lecture.

   "So, where do you want to go?" The fake blonde asked the younger, as he closed his door behind him and started walking out of the dorms with Seungmin.  "Maybe just a café? Me, Jisung, Aki Noona and Jeongin were at this nice café a few weeks ago, we could go there. The coffee's amazing."

   Felix looked the other in the face, confused, "Who's Aki?" "Don't worry about it," Seungmin smiled reassuringly, "So? What do you say?" "I mean, sounds good. Let's go."

   And so, the two strolled down the streets into the afternoon, hands in their pockets to avoid the breeze and hood up to feel the warmth on their ears. The walk from campus to the café wasn't all too long but both boys still agreed to take the bus, too lazy to use their legs—besides, with Felix majoring in dance, he was already exhausted from the whole week, so he could really take a break.

   Not long after, the brunette saw the familiar building in the distance. "You sure we aren't going to get kidnapped? It's pretty quiet 'round here," Felix suddenly spoke up, interrupting the sweet silence. The other laughed at that, shaking his head, "Don't worry."

"We're almost there anyway, see that red-ish building?" The older hummed. "That's it."

   Quietly the two students made their way over to the coffee shop, their hands leaving their pockets to pull down their hoods as they entered—both, not to seem weird and to welcome what was the warmth of the café.

   The freckled boy felt his hands shiver and body thank him for the change in temperature, as his face heated up. But was it actually from the comfortable air inside, or the boy standing behind the counter—brewing a fresh flat white?

Perhaps both.

   "What do you wanna get? They got hot chocolate here as well, if you do not want any coffee," His friend voiced out, as they slowly walked up to the barista. Felix sighed softly, "Hot chocolate sounds good, maybe I'll get something to eat as well.."

   Seungmin nodded before happily greeting the worker and ordering a medium cappuccino alongside a blueberry muffin. As he got ready to pay, Felix couldn't help but stare at the other boy—the stranger, Hyunjin, as his nametag read.

   His soft and fluffy pink hair fell right above his eyes, revealing the dangling star earrings and helix piercing. His body proportions were godsend—Felix could tell even with half his body hidden away by the counter—and his muscles showed through his tight-fitted, black turtleneck as he worked on getting Seungmin's happy cup.

The blond just couldn't help but stare.

   "And what may I get for you, pretty boy?" Felix had been too caught up in admiring his beauty to even notice his honey-like voice. He sounded like a literal angel. "Just a hot chocolate and strawberry doughnut, please."

   You best believe the boy got lost in his head, after handing over his money and telling him to keep the change, because he was head over heels already. Forget his crush on Seungmin, what he felt for this random boy was beyond what he thought he even could feel.

   Every single detail about the boy drew him in, and the fact he complimented him with the first sentence ever exchanged between the two was just a sweet, lovely red cherry on top.

   Not wanting to leave, Jisung clung onto the raven, his arms wrapped around the other's body in a way he couldn't move and was stuck with him—glued into his embrace. "I don't want to go yet," He whined out, not bearing the thought of leaving his loved one again, even if it meant finally seeing his family again.

   "Hyung~ You'll be back by tomorrow, quit being so dramatic." Jeongin held his breath as the older squeezed him tighter, "You're starting to act like Hyunjin Hyung." He dumbfounded, maybe his antics had rubbed off on him from spending too much time at the café hanging with the familiar barista on his breaks.

   Ignoring the boy's statement, Han kept complaining, "I'm gonna be so lonely tonight. Why can't you just come with me?" The brunette pouted his lips, before attacking the other with light kisses all over his neck and jaw—making Yang laugh out from the tickling sensation. "Hyung!"

   Jisung hummed against the other's skin, "Don't struggle so much, Innie," and the ravenette let an inaudible sigh escape his lips, "You really need to go, quit being clingy already. Your mom's probably getting bored of waiting for your ass."

   The older boy only huffed out his complaints, puffing his cheeks out in the progress, and slowly let his arms slide from the other's body. "You're no fun."

   Quickly getting completely out of his lover's grasp, Jeongin started repeatedly pushing him over to the door, knowing he would just keep procrastinating if he didn't finally take a step out of the apartment. "Now hurry up, the quicker you're there the quicker you're back. Plus I can finally get your complaint about missing your brother out of my life."

   Fake hurt, Jisung placed his hand on his chest, pretending to be heartbroken. "How could you-" "Hyung, your hearts on the left. Now go, or else you'll get in trouble with your mom!" Finally accepting his fate for the night, the brunette pouted slightly as pulled the other into a goodbye kiss.

   But what was supposed to be a simple peck turned into a ten-second make out, and when Jeongin realised, he hesitantly pushed the other off him—who had his hands on him once again. "I'll see you tomorrow," The older said innocently, seeing the other sigh lightly. "Alright, have fun Hyungie."

   With newfound joy and excitement, Jisung put on his shoes, slumped his backpack onto his shoulder and reached for the door handle. . . but he hesitated. "What? What are you waiting for? Go and make some cute memories with your fam."

   Eyes wide and doll-like, Han placed a final kiss on the younger's cheek, "N-nothing, alright then," He said, not evaporating on what was going on in his mind—his voice low and distant.

a/n: jisung sure likes kissing jeongin a lot (and tickling him)

how cute

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