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   Weeks have passed since Jeongin and Han went on their first official date, and neither of the boys could be happier. All this time both males wished and longed to hold the other close, secretly, and now, finally, they were able to do so.

   Quiet surrounding them, the college students lay in the older one's bed, legs tangled and hands everywhere warmth spread. They just couldn't get enough of each other.

   Jisung was scrolling through social media while lightly combing the younger's silky black hair with his free hand when he got a notification. His father. Confused as to why he was messaging him he opened their chat, reading silently.

   A sour expression painted his face but Jeongin didn't notice. His eyes were closed and mind dreaming of the flowery breeze spring came with.

   Carefully, the older put down his phone and stared at his loved one, his chest spreading with warmth at the adorable sight of him cuddled into his chest. "Innie," He voiced out quietly, "I have to go to work."

   The raven stirred in his half-sleep, not wanting the other to leave just yet. "Five more minutes, don't go yet," He mumbled. Jisung only chuckled, shaking his head, yet let his wish come true as he snuggled closer.

   Even with the addicting warmth and closeness of the two, Han knew he had to get up and ready soon. "Why do you have to work on Saturday anyway? You need to get some rest too," Jeongin said irritated, because really, the weekend should be there to relax, don't you think?

The brunette chuckled once again, "How else are we supposed to pay rent?" "Win the lottery."


    Finally, after a long and tiring day at work, Jisung returned home—feeling a mixture of exhaustion and excitement. "Innie, I'm back!" He screamed into the apartment when he closed the door behind him but aside from the blaring music coming from the kitchen, he didn't get a response.

   Han quietly laughed to himself as he made his way over to the kitchen, finding his lover dancing to the music as he cut some vegetables.

   A loving smile spread on his lips as he saw the raven, and he carefully approached. He didn't want to scare him but rather surprise the other boy.

   As the song switched to a more laid-back one, Jisung carefully wrapped his arms around the younger's waist, feeling and seeing him visibly stiffen up. With wide eyes he turned his head around, only to let out a loud sigh. "Oh my strawberry milk, it's just you!"

   "How'd you know I got you strawberry milk?" Jisung asked with visible confusion. "It's literally behind you on the table," He said dumfounded before continuing, "And don't scare me like that next time! I almost had a heart attack.."

   "Whatever Innie.. what are you making?" He changed the topic, looking over the raven's shoulder to see what looked like a bunch of vegetables. "And why are there so many veggies?" "I wanted to make you dinner and might or might not have tried to hide some in it, you need to eat more vegetables Hyung!"

   Han whined at that, hiding his face in the crook of the other's neck and tightening his grip in order to flee from the conversation. "Do not.." He mumbled against his skin, sending unintentionally shivers down the younger's spine. "Stop it, that tickles!" Jeongin screeched, quickly shoving the older's hands off him and stepping away.

But even a blind man could tell he enjoyed his touch.

   The smile left Jisung's lips as he remembered something, with urgency in his voice he spoke up, "Ah right, Innie I got some news." "What is it?" He questioned, completely ignoring the tone in the other's voice—simply because he didn't like the seriousness.

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