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   Jeongin stepped into the classroom, searching for a particular brunette as he made his way to his seat. But Jisung wasn't there yet. He sighed lightly and sat down, slumping back and placing his legs on the table.

   "Morning Jeongin looks like someone didn't sleep much." "Oh, shut it, Hyung." Felix walked up to him and slid a chair right next to the raven's, allowing himself to have a seat. "What's up?" He closed his eyes before answering, "Not much. 'm just stressed, you know, the usual." He laughed lightly, looking at the fake blonde. "What about you? How's it going?"

   Felix only shook his head. "I'm good. Been pretty busy, but the weekend made up for it. I was out with some friends." "Oh really? What'd you do?" The freckled boy smiled, thinking back to the last day with a warm heart. "We went sailing."

   The two had known each other since middle school when Felix moved from Australia to South Korea, and both boys were more than happy to have met each other.

   Relaxed, they continued talking. It was nice to have a friend like that, someone you could talk to without thinking and smile without needing a reason. Felix was like a ray of sunshine to the younger. He brightened the mood whenever he showed up, yet got covered by clouds at times, disappearing for a while to bring himself back on track.

    He's got a good balance, and Jeongin even felt a bit jealous knowing how he got his life figured out—or at least the here and now—but in a good way.

   He looked up to Felix. 

   "We should probably start today, less work later on," Seungmin said, his dark brown hair falling into his face as he retracted his hand. "I agree, I don't wanna get stressed. Who knows what other projects we need to do in the next weeks." The youngest, Jeongin, added.

   Felix, Seungmin, Jeongin and Jisung were standing in the hall, forming a small circle of students. "Is everyone free though?" The four looked at each other, nodding and agreeing to meet up today. "Oh wait, I got taekwondo in the afternoon. Only got time 'till four."

   The raven hummed, "We can just start now and finish early. That should work, no?"

It felt like the four were planning a casual hangout together, yet unfortunately, they needed to work on a group project together. Sure it would probably still be fun, they all found each other nice and all so that wasn't a problem. It's just. . . well, studying.

   The younger brunette was first to answer, "Works for me. Yongbok Hyung?" He simply said, now looking at the blonde for his answer. "Yeah sounds good." "And Jisung Hyung?"

    Jisung got woke up from his light daydream. "Uh yeah sure. . where though?" He had been up in his thoughts, thinking about last Friday and the events at the café. The brunette had yet to give Jeongin his hoodie, "My place is free."

   And he finally had an actual excuse to talk to him.

Jisung and Jeongin have known each other since the first year of high school—though they didn't really talk at the time. It was only recently, that they took notice of another.

   Upon their new seat arrangement the two sat closer together than ever before—not next to each other, but close—and Jisung immediately found a liking to his voice and personality, something he hadn't had the chance to notice before.

   Since then he's been looking for a reason to talk to him, he really wanted to befriend the raven but he hadn't seen his chance yet.

   But it was finally time.

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